Prt 4 - The Middle Earth Edition

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Hello! Back again with more wonderful things that you guys should read (wow its been a while). So anyway, this is sort of to make up for the fact that my SBLS (Lonely Lullaby) wont be updated for a bit. Yes, I know this isn't totally worth reading, buy hey, I found some good fics.

Happy Desolation of Smaug, guys. All LotR related fics below.



1. A Vow

Fili refuses to let anything happen to Kili - movieverse, set with the Goblin King, oneshot, no slash.

Website:                             Author: Laree-England

2. Bedtime

A young Fili and Kili take over Thorin's room for the night. Needles to say, it's anything but peace and quiet. DurinFam, one-shot, no slash.

Website:                            Author: Roz-and-Guild

3. Come What May

Gandalf arrives in time, but a life is still claimed in the Goblin Caverns. They were never meant to be separated. Fili&Kili, DurinFam. No slash, one shot, will make you cry.

Website:                            Author: Neocolai

4. Mellyn

We have heard that Gimli, the son of Gloin with him over the seas to Valinor because of their great friendship, greater than any that have been between Elf and Dwarf, but here a full recount of the tragic events that compelled two friends to finally depart are written. No slash, one shot, expansion of Appendix A.

Website:                           Author: Rhys

5. We All Fall Down

Fili faints. Thorin and company panics. Kili does not panic. Set in the forests of Mirkwood, oneshot, no slash. Fluff/humour (mostly humor)

Website:                         Author: Rosa-Cotton

6. Treasured Gifts

Thorin brings back presents for his beloved nephews. Fluff, young Kili and Fili, DurinFam.

Website:                        Author: Italian-Hobbit


1. Forging A King

Fifth year, Harry's been banished into an ancient, deadly painting by Umbridge. It happens to lead to a beautiful world where the air is cleaner and everything is much more deadly. Confused, lost and wandless, Harry must find his way back to his family in London - but the only way to do that is to find the lost jewels of an ancient Wizard King's crown and to deem himself worthy. Along with the help of his new found friends, Harry sets out on the Quest for the Ring, knowing that he would have to part ways with the Fellowship along the way, but will his decision to join them get him killed and crush any hopes of him getting home? And if Harry does live through the War, will he be able to give up everything and everyone in Middle Earth that he has come to love?

Harry Potter/ Lord of the Rings crossover, NOT I REPEAT NOT just a Harrys-lost-and-trying-to-get-home-fic.

Website:                                       Author: Lady-Celestial-Star

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