Prt 8- The Bagginshield Edition

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I've been meaning to do this for quite some time. We all remember BotFA, and "The Eagles are coming."

Let me tell you, that fucked me up.

But, it's also what got me into this God forsaken ship, so I suppose some good did come of it. So, without further ado:

1) I own a grand total of 0% of the fics posted here, and their summaries come directly from the site where the authors have published the story.

2) Spoilers for all the Hobbit movies, obviously.

3) Expect smut. The majority of them have it there, so please don't ask for specifics because I read these all a year ago and I don't remember all the details. Some summaries explicitly state there is smut, though.

4) Enjoy, and cry!


One shots

1) Bring Your Battle to My Door

by: kay_cricketed

Summary: Surviving the Battle of Five Armies is only the first step. Bilbo may not be able to master the sword, but he is certainly capable of putting Thorin Oakenshield in his place, and his place is the throne of Erebor. (This is a very nice way of saying: Thorin and Bilbo celebrate by having sex on the throne and the mountain says it's good.)

Website: Archive of Our Own


2) but oh, my heart was flawed

by: lacking

Summary: Thorin hopes the story of his life will not be told as a tragedy. And as he looks back on it all, watching for glimpses of sky through the swaying flap of his tent, it's finally become clear to him that there was never another way for this to end.

Website: Archive of Our Own


3) But I Will Hold (As Long As You Like)

by: scarecrowqueen

Summary: Circumstances had not allowed him time to address his failures as both King and friend to the Hobbit that had been as stalwart and courageous as any dwarf who'd ever stood by him. Without the chance to speak his apologies to the burglar in life, Thorin had settled for carving them into the casket itself; the Khuzdul runes pressing forever into Bilbo's small back as if to write his penitence onto the Hobbit's very bones in death. It feels like a hopeless gesture, however sincere it had been; after all, what use at all were words carved in stone to the dead?

Bilbo dies in the Battle of Five Armies. The Durin's live. All the regret in the world won't keep the dead resting peacefully though, as Thorin is soon to learn.

Website: Archive of Our Own


4) So I Wait For You Like A Lonely House

by: stopchasingflowers

Summary: After the desolation of the dragon, Bilbo loses his voice and Thorin loses his throne.

Website: Archive of Our Own


Chaptered (from shortest to longest - WIPs at the end)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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