Prt 6 - The Shingeki/Attack Edition

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Who hasn't watched Attack on Titan (or Shingeki No Kyojin, whatever you'd like to call it)?


Now do it. It's a glorious anime.

So, obviously, this is the Shingeki/Attack edition, and has A LOT of jeanmarco in it. For all you innocent cakes who are going to use that link:

1) Congratulations! Make sure you have lots of comfort food.

2) Don't puke.

3) Don't listen to other people when they tell you that the show will drive you emotionally insane (they may be right but I'm still sane so)

4) You'll have to stomach the first 5 episodes before the actual stuff happens, and they're pretty gorey but totally worth it. Everything after that is pretty okay in terms of people dying.

5) Titans are hilarious once you get used to them. (And you will, don't worry).

6) How bad can it possibly be? It's an anime after all! It's not that terrifying :)

7) Ao3 (archive of our own) will be your new best friend when looking for fanfiction to fill the hole in your heart.

And on we go!


1. My Beating Heart (Part 1 of a two-part series called Like A Drum)

by: Lownly

Description: Jeanmarco, College AU. In which Marco is a friendless college freshman with a penchant for creeping on the guy with the two-toned hair in his Astronomy class. Considering the fact that this is a jeanmarco fic, they'll probably end up becoming friends and, I dunno, maybe fall in love with each other.

Sarcasm aside, this is a lame, unoriginal college AU complete with fun, fluff, and angst. Expect cruel canon references and half-jokes aplenty.

The story of how Marco Bodt offered up his beating heart to Jean Kirschtein.

2. His Beating Heart (Part two of a two part series called Like A Drum)

by: Lownly

Description: Jeanmarco, College AU, (basically it's My Beating Heart in Jean's POV - a must read) In which Jean is a grumpy loser and struggles to get through his first year of college, his three suitemates being about 92% of his struggle. He's got awful chronic nightmares, is emotionally disconnected, and he constantly feels like someone is watching him every time he goes to Astronomy. The usual college problems, yeah....? Yeah. But hey, that freckled guy in the row behind him looks familiar. Are they friends? Maybe they will be soon. Maybe they will be more than friends.

Just another unoriginal college AU filled to the brim with silly shenanigans, cute dorks, and soul-crushing angst.

The story of how Marco Bodt offered up his beating heart to Jean Kirschtein.


3. Wisteria

by: Butterflychasan

Description: Jeanmarco, Cop!Jean, Florist!Marco (also make sure you have lots of cuddly toys and tissues while you read this) Modern AU where Marco Bodt is 26, the proud owner of a flower shop in New York City, perfectly content by himself having discussions with his flowers, when the man who broke his heart six years earlier walks through the front door.

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