Chapter 5: The Soul's Sound!

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Aren moved as fast as his injured body would carry him through the braches. "Damn this guy is fast, i don't think i could keep up even if I wasn't hurt." Eventually Aren lost sight of Cobra, but was still tracking his scent. "Grh. uh-oh" Aren collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious.

*The Next Day*

"And who is this Erik?" "Somebody m*** capab*** than I ***** e*er **." Aren kept fading in and out of consciousness. hearing a familiar voice and a few others not so familiar. A melodious female voice sprung out of nowhere."Well, just mak* **** ** doesn't get in ** **ay *****. I have to go *ak* *are of tha..." once again, Aren fell unconscious.

*One Week Later*

"Guh!" Aren sat up quickly, panting uncontrollably. He spotted A young girl with white hair, sitting in a chair nearby reading a novel, Aren couldn't quite make out. "Glad to see your awake, dragon boy." Aren looked stunned almost as if perfection itself, was standing in front of him. "Stop staring kid, anyway, Master Brain said to bring you to him as soon as you woke up, so get dressed, and meet me outside." Aren finally coming to, realized that he was shirtless, and a few minutes later appeared outside fully clothed. "huh, you don't look that bad when you're not asleep. c'mon, i'll bring you." Aren followed the white haired goddess close at heel, through what seemed to be an abandoned city. Upon approaching a large pillar, Aren saw a tall, slender man with blonder hair, Aren looked curious. "Hey miss, who is that guy?" Aren stared at the man, "That's Racer, he's faster than anybody." Aren thought to himself, "Faster than anybody huh?" It's just in here. The goddess opened a large stone door leading to a large set of spiraled steps.

Aren walked into a clearing at the top of the monument and met the gaze of an older looking man holding a staff. "Glad to see you're awake dragon boy." The man said, "Yeah, I thought you were dead, I even..." The staff attempted to talk but was hushed by its master. "Where am I? Who are you?" Aren had many questions, but was only able to get a few out, "My name is Brain, and this is Angel..." Directing a hand at himself, and gesturing his staff towards the snow-haired goddess. "The man that brought you here is like you, a Dragon-Slayer, only he i." "Yeah, his name is Cobra, he seems pretty strong, Thank you for taking care of me, but I must leave." Aren turned around in a rush, "Wait! Before, you leave, I want you to fight me." Aren turned around, surprised at what he heard, but accepted the challenge. "Alright old man. I hope you're ready. 'cause i don't hold back no matter who i'm fightin'!" Aren rushed the man with all of his regained strength, throwing a powerful punch, only to have it easily deflected. "Come on dragon boy, I said attack me." Aren charged once more, only this time ducking around Brain and kicking his backside, dealing some damage. "Now that's more like it, but that's enough." Brain said lowering his guard. "Wait, What! I was just getting started! "Yes but Master Brain was just testing you, he is finished now." Cobra appeared riding his flying serpent. "He was just going to ask if you would like to join us?" Aren looked glad to see a friendly face, "Yeah sure, it would be nice to have some company. I accept!" And so began Aren's journey as apart of Oracion Seis.

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