Chapter 2: The Fairy Tail Begins

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Chapter 2: The Fairy Tail Begins

Aren opened the Guild Hall doors "Morning Aren!" Mirajane said welcoming him with a warm smile. "Good morning Mira. Are there any good jobs today?" Aren asked walking towards the request board. "Not that I can... Well actually the master said he had to speak to you about something important."  "I wonder what the master wants" Aren said curiously "Anyway, Thanks Mira." Aren continued on while walking to the master's office.

Aren knocked on the master's door and when the master responded , he walked in. "Morning Master." Aren said standing at attention. "Good Morning Aren." The master said standing up to greet the wizard "Please sit." The master said acknowledging towards the chair. "Yes sir." Aren sat down waiting for the master to continue speaking. "Thank you for coming Aren, as you told me a little while after you joined, you came from a future when dragons had returned and ruined the world when you were little after being born to my grand-son and your mother who you didn't know. And when you came here were adopted by the dragon Elesa who was then killed by your grand-father. And you told me that if I ever got any information on his location to tell you." The master not showing any sign of emotion on his face. In shock, Aren replied "Y-Yeah, I believe that's what I said Master." "Well...we still don't have any more information on him...but I do have a job for you to do" The master said pulling a flyer out from his desk and handed it to him. "Aren. This is a request that asked for our most reliable wizard. And with Gildarts and Erza out on a job, you're the last one that I can count on." Aren took the paper and reviewed it "Master. This is an S-Class quest" Aren said shocked that he was given the request "Yes Aren I know, you will be taking Mystogan along with you." The master said ending the conversation.

Aren left the masters office to find Mystogan waiting outside for him "Hello Mystogan" Aren said greeting the mysterious wizard. Mystogan looked at Aren and acknowledged him to follow. "So, what are the details of the job?" Aren asked Mystogan "Several dark guild have banded together to pillage towns" Mystogan continued on the path. "Well these dark guilds don't stand a chance" Aren said cracking his knuckles. Mystogan acknowledged Aren's confidence and continued on to the destination.

*The Next Day*

"We should get moving" Mystogan said getting up to move on again. Aren had always been an early riser so he'd been up for a few hours. They continued on until they reached a small village. There were many people who stared at us in their houses. "Hello! We're here to help defend against the dark guild attacks!" The people looked surprised. An elderly women came out of her house to greet us "mam, we heard about the dark guilds attacking several villages throughout the area, so we came to assist because we believe this village may be attacked soon." The mysterious wizard warned the women, and told them they should evacuate.

*Two Nights Later*

"Psst!...Aren. Do hear that?" Mystogan peaked out the window to see figures walking toward the village. "Yea, I see them. Should we take them?" Aren looked cautious. "Not yet, we should ambush them." "Alright, but how?" Aren questioned "Wait Mystogan, I have an idea" Aren signaled Mystogan to stay where he was, while he ran over to the top of another building. "Hey this village looks good!" "Yea mate! They don't look rich, but they must have something of value" The wizards walked up the road, getting ready to tear the place apart. Mystogan made several hand gestures and the ground started to liquefy. "Lightning Dragon's, Roar!" Aren began to breathe lightning on the trapped wizards and the two started to assault the rest of the wizards without the two using any of their magic.  "Get These Two!" Their Demon's!" the two worked together to defeat the main group of wizards when another mage appeared from the shadows clapping. "Impressive Fairies. I never thought you'd be able to defeat my entire guild." The man appeared to reveal a middle aged man that Mystogan recognized "Ivan..." The man that was behind this was the excommunicated son of Master Makarov...Ivan Dreyar! "A surprise to see you Mystogan. I'm amazed to see that the old man would send you to take care of a few wizards." Ivan started to laugh maniacally "...Wait! You're in Makarov's son!" Aren looked shocked to see him "Huh!? I don't seem to know you young fairy." Ivan walked over to Aren to inspect him. Aren became enraged and punched Ivan in the stomach knocking him back a few feet "You Bastard! I'm gonna take you down!" Aren clenched his fist and began to radiate lightning around him.

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