2. The guy

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Why is this kid asking so much questions, it's annoying. I look back at road, wouldnt want to crash with the boss' son. "Well you know my name, no?". "That's not what I mean".
"My mom is a friend of your dad. She's in the same business, just a different name. Your dad liked how I work so asked me to get rid of a specific guy that he's been trying to rid of for a while now. He's been unsuccessful, which isn't surprising. That's all you need to know about me". "Cool, cool... So are you into anything? Like art.. or whatever you guys like, murder perhaps?". Does he think he's funny? "I'm not interested in becoming your friend Kazuha, however murder is something I happen to commit often yes, I guess you could consider it a hobby". "Flattering". If the circumstances were different I might've been able to actually be friends with him. But I have to focus on what I'm here for, I can't dissapoint my mom..

They arrive at an old building that looks like it's under construction. "We're here". They get out of the car and make their way into the building. Scaramouche walks into a room with Kazuhs following him. There's a bunch of eletronics there and a few people. "Who's this?" a guy with ginger hair asks. "Hello, I'm Scaramouche his best friend", Kazuha says while holding a hand out. The ginger guy laughs and shakes Kazuha's hand. "Yeah he has a lot of those. I'm Ajax". "Kazuha", he responds with a smike on his face. "Look scara that's how you're supposed to introduce yourself", Kazuha says while walking over to Scara who was grabbing a bag from under a table. "Shut up wind guy". "Wind guy?" "You were enjoying the wind coming from the car window, no? It was like you were trying to become the wind". Kazuha chukles.
Scara opens the bag and takes out a small gun. "I'm assuming you don't have anything on you", he says while handing it to Kazuha. "Correct". Ajax walks over to the two. "Woah Scara you're being so nice, it's almsot like you're in love. I can already hear the wedding bells". Scaramouche hits Ajax in the stomach and turns towards Kazuha. "I'm guessing you didn't pay any attention during the meeting so I'll give you a quick summary. I'll only explain things once, so you better not get distracted again". Kazuha nods and looks at Scaramouche. "Our guy is named Aether. He used to work for your dad 19 years ago. I'm not sure what happened but stuff went down and they hate each other now. Aether has been trying to kill your dad ever since. He has a bunch of dirt on your dad which he's blackmailing him with, which is why we need to take him down. However we don't know where he is, if he has any protection nor what he's capable of. It's for us to figure that out and kill him. I don't know why your dad assigned for you to work with me since this is your first real job, but I'm guessing that he's testing your abilities". "I see... So how do we figure all that stuff out?".

Ajax puts down a laptop next to Kazuha, "That's where I come in". He moves the laptop a bit to the side so Kazuha has a better view of he screen.  "I managed to get some security footage of a certain underground club. It's known for having some 'dangerous' people come there. You can see here that Lumine, Aether's sister happens to come here often, specifically on Wednesday nights". Ajax shows a few recordings of a blonde girl talking to people and drinking alcohol. "So all we have to do is go there and get close to Lumine?" Kazuha asks whike looking at Scaramouche. "Obviously".
Scara walks over to the end of the room "We can discuss our plan later, I'm hungry". He makes his way out and Kazuha runs after him "Bye Ajax!! It was fun meeting you!!!". They get back in the car. "I was kind of hoping you'd be stupid enough to stay behind". Kazuha hits Scara on his head. "That's for being rude the whole time". "Then stop being so fucking annoying". Kazuha hits him again. "Stop hitting me or I'll push you out of the car". "Is that a dare?". Scaramouche rolls his eyes and stops at a small cafe. "I didn't take you for the type of person that went to cafe's", Kazuha says while getting out of the car. "How so?". Kazuha shrugs and they make their way into the cafe. "Just go sit somewhe-", Scaramouche gets cut off by a girl running up to him and hugging him."Scara!!". Kazuha walks away and sits down at a table. He can't stop but stare at them. They're not even friends, yet he can't help but feel jealous at how that girl is acting around him. What is he doing wrong? Why can't they be friends as well?
Scaramouche sits down next to Kazuha after talking with the girl for a bit. "So rude", Kazuha quietly says. "Hm?". Kazuha looks at Scaramouche. "You didn't even introduce me to your girlfriend, I thought we were friends". Scara frowns at him for a bit and then hits him on his head. "What was that for?!". "Stop saying stupid stuff. She's not my girlfriend, and we're not friends". Kazuha moves closer to to him. "Stop lying to yourself, we're best friends". Scaramouch scoffs and moves away. The girl from earlier walks up to them with 2 cookies. "There you go!", she smiles and leaves again. "So.. who is that girl then..? Also I didn't know you liked cookies". Scaramouche grabs his phone. "She's just some annoying kid I work with, just like you". Kazuha bites into his cookie and looks at scara for a bit. Scaramouche's gaze leaves his phone and he looks Kazuha in his eyes. "Need something?". "I need to ask you something really important".

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