3. Boyfriend??

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Scaramouche rases an eyebrow. "What?". "What's your favorite color?". Scara looks at him with an unreadable expression on his face. "None of your buisseness". Kazuha sighs and stands up. "Let's get back to work then". Scaramouche pulls him back down, "Shut up". 
"We're working right now, dumbass". Kazuha frowns at him. "The girl from earlier, she knows a guy that can get us into that club. We just have to wait for him to come here and have her introduce us". "You could've said that before we came here". A guy walks into the cafe and the girl from earlier runs up to him. They talk for a bit and then walk over to Kazuha and Scaramouche. "Hey scara! This is the guy I told you about, maybe we could go to that fun club together!!". They sit down in front on them and the guy looks at both of them for a bit. "So who's that other guy?", he asks. Scaramouche looks at Kazuha, waiting for him to answer. "I'm his..uh..". The girl cuts him off, "You're his boyfriend right? I saw the way Scara looked at you, there's no way you're not dating". Kazuha looks at Scaramouche. "Yeah! I'm his.. boyfriend". "Let me properly introduce myself then! I'm Alice, and my friend is Kaeya. I've known Scara for a few years, we used to work together it was really fun!!". Kazuha smiles at her. "Nice to meet you guys". "So how'd you meet?". Kazuha looks at Scaramouche again. "Park", Scara says while slowly grabbing Kazuha's hand. "I can get you two into that club, I'm going this wednesday, but you can't be late or you won't get in". "Will do", Scara says and stand up, still holding onto Kazuha's hand. "We have to go, Kazuha's mom wanted to go to the store". They walk out of the cafe and get back into the car. "Boyfriend?", Scara says while staring at Kazuha. "You're aware that we have to keep up the act now?" Kazuha stay quiet, feeling guilty. They arrive at Kazuha's house and Scaramouche drives off as soon as he's inside.

mentions of blood, gore, ect.

As soon as Kazuha steps inside he gets a weird feeling, like when you're walking alone at night. The house is a mess, stuff is broken, furniture on the ground and other places tbey shouldn't be. Kazuha walks a bit further, only to stop after a few steps. There's a ton of blood and a few dead bodies. Kazuha recognizes some of them, they work for his dad. Something like this happened before, when he was 12. Some people tried to attack his dad and managed to get into the building. He saw his dad kill people without hesitation. It was the first time he realized what was really going on around him. The way his dad's face didn't show any emotion when he shot them. The blood that poured out of people. It's something he'll never forget. Kazuha moves his right hand towards his pocket. The small gun Scaramouche gave him earlier thst day was still in it. He grabs it and holds it out while walking further. If anything happens or anyone attacks him he'll shoot. He makes his way around the house, a few people that worked for his dad were cleaning up the mess. Once they acknowledged him they get Miko. She basically runs to Kazuha. "Kaz, your dad is getting treated right now. They shot him. They managed to get in and they shot him. I don't know if he'll make it".
Miko takes Kazuha to the basement. A while ago Kazuha's dad turned the basement into a place they could go if they were injured. He hired doctors so he and the people working for him would be fine after situations like this. They couldn't go to normal hospitals for obvious reasons, the hospital staff might alert the police that he's there.
"Wait here", Miko says before walking off into one of the rooms. Kazuha grabs his phone, he got Scaramouche's number earlier in case they needed to discuss anything important about their job. Kazuha calls scara without thinking it through.
Kazuha gets cut off by Miko returning, "You can go in". "Sorry I have to go". Kazuhs hangs up and follows Miko into the room. His dad is laying there, sleeping. "He's currently in a coma". Kazuha gives Miko a small nod to show that he understands. Miko leaves and he lays down next to his dad. His dad might not have been the best, but he's always shown that he loves him. Of course growing up in a place like this isn't an easy thing, but his dad always tried to make it a bit easier and more fun. Kazuha's mom passed away not too long ago so it was just him and his dad. He was always closer to his dad anyway. His mom didn't like him and it was obvious. If it wasn't for his dad he would've been all alone. Seeing his dad like this broke him.
He softly cries and drifts off to sleep without realizing.

Kazuha wakes up. It's already morning. He scans his surroundings and sees Scaramouche sleeping in a chair not too far away from him. He gets up and walks over to him. Kazuha taps his shoukder and he wakes up. "Scara? Why are you here". Scaramouche rubs his eyes and stands up. "You hung up without any explanation so I thought something might've happened. I came here and your dad his assistant took me here, but you were already sleeping so I stayed. I didn't mean to fall asleep". "But if you knew nothing happened why didn't you just leave". Scaramouche looks at Kazuha's dad. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay or something like that". Kazuha hugs Scara. "Thanks". Scaramouche slowly puts his arms around Kazuha. "Not that I care or anything, just wanted to make sure that you wouldn't annoy me. Anyways... The guy we're trying to get rid off nusbe behind this so we better hurry. Tomorrow we can get into the club, we just have to make a plan". Scaramouche slowly pushes Kazuha off him. "Scara", "Hm?".
"I want to be the one to kill him".

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