7. A different 'job'

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Kazuha wakes up to the sound of Scara talking. It's coming from outside the bedroom door.

"Yes I'm doing what I'm supposed to. Stop acting like I'm bad at my job". Kazuha frowns and some grabs clothes from the ground. He puts them on and walks out of his bedroom, to Scaramouche. "Scara..?". "I'll call you back". Scaramouche hangs up and turns towards Kazuha. "Yeah?". Kazuha stares at him for a bit and then walks back into his room. "Wha-". 
Scaramouche walks back into the room as well, after Kazuha. "Kaz? What's wrong?". "Where's the drugs..?". Scaramouche goes silent. He grabs his clothes and walks out of the room "Hurry up and get dressed". Kazuha walks over to his closet and grabs a few clothes. "Are we like.. actually dating now..?", he says to himself while looking in the mirror. He softly puts his hand on his neck, caressing the bruise Scara left. How is he going to hide this from others.

Kazuha and Scaramouche arrive at the club. Scara talked to one of the guys and they let them into the room where they made the deal with Aether. To their surprise Aether was sitting there, waiting for them. "I've been waiting", he says with a smile. Aether gestures towards the seats in front of him and they sit down. "You know, normally people don't just forget a bag filled with things like this.. But it's fine. However I'm taking you two off the job. No more dealing". Scara looks at Kazuha with an annoyed look on his face, as if it was all Kazuha's fault. "I saw what happened yesterday. With that girl". Aether moves up in his chair. "I suppose that I underestimated you two... I want you to do something else for me. To make it simpler, if you don't handle the job then I'll tip you off to the police". "What is it?", Kazuha says a bit shakey. "There's someone that I need dead. Well, my sister wants him dead. He's the head of the Kadaehara group. Not sure if you know them. What I need you two to do is get in and help Lumine get rid of him. Shouldn't be too big of a problem, right?". They both nod in response and Aether takes them to a car. They get in and drive off. "I'll be dropping you off at a park. Lumine will be there and you can discuss the details. No funny buisiness though, understood?". Kazuha nods and turns towards Scaramouche. "Sorry if I was too harsh last night", Scaramouche says while he softly puts his hand onto Kazuha's. "It's fine, I liked it", Kazuha says while moving a bit closer to Scara. Scaramouche looks out of the window. He kept looking away during the whole ride. Though he did hold onto Kazuha's hand, never letting go of it. They arrive at the park and get out. "See ya, Aether!". They walk for a bit until they finally find Lumine. They approach her and explain why they're there. "Okay great so we need a plan to get you two into the Kad-". Scaramouche cuts her off, "We're with Raiden, already made our way in. They just make us do some of the small stuff, but we've made our way into meetings and often alone time with the head. All we need is the right time, place, and you". Lumine smiles and hugs Scaramouche. "You two are amazing!!".

They sit down on a small bench. "What about this; One of you tells the head that you found out I've been going after him. You'll say that you've planned to meet up with me and that it's the perfect time to take me out. Make sure there's no back up tho. Just the three of you. I'll come and well corner him. Then we take him out. I know exactly where we could do it". They discuss the place and timing. "Also.. Are you two actually like, yk?". Kazuha turns to Scaramouche, waiting for him to respond. He honestly didn't know if they were after last night. "No", Scara codly says. "That's good to know... So are you like.. Single? Or..". Kazuha leans back on the bench, his back hitting the wood. "I am, if I'm correct, Kazuha is too". Kazuha nods and Lumine moves closer to Scara. "You're very cute, haha". Scaramouche grabs Lumine's face and pulls her in for a kiss. They kiss for a few minutes and then Kazuha get's up. "I'm leaving, have some stuff to do, I'll see you two later". He quickly walks away. "Kaz, wait! We're supposed to leave together, idiot!!". 
Scaramouche runs after Kazuha, he only manages to catch up to him at the exist of the park. He grabs Kazuha's arm and turns him towards himself. "Why are you walking away, Kazuha?". "I just.. I thought that there was something between us after last night. But you just kissed Lumine". Scaramouche scoffs. "Kazuha, I never asked you to be my boyfriend, no? I'm allowed to kiss and fuck whoever I want. So stop being a little bitch and get over it". Kazuha pushes Scaramouche away from him and walks away. He sits at a bus stop outside the park and waits for a bus to come. Tears streaming down his face..

(Sorry about this chapter being a bit short, I just wanted to publish something since I haven't published anything in a while. It's a bit rushed because I wasn't sure how to build the story up to the next chapter. However, there's some really interesting stuff coming in the next one!)

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