9. Dead

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They quietly walk into the building. They make their way into the room that they agreed on and move towards the end of the room. They just stand in silence for a bit, not sure what to do next.
Then Lumine enters the room and walks up to them. Kazuha's dad pulls out his gun and aims it at Lumine. "Didn't think I'd be this stupid, did you". Lumine lets out a laugh and pulls out a gun herself. Scara softly pushes Kazuha a bit behind him and signs to him that they have to take their guns out as well. They point them to Kazuha's dad, like they planned, to trick Lumine. "You didn't actually think they would help you, did you? That's pathetic".
"I've been waiting for this moment way too long". Lumine pulls the trigger and shoots Kazuha's dad in his chest. "What the fuck!", Kazuha yells. This wasn't what they planned, Lumine was supposed to wait until his dad put away his gun. They were going to shoot Lumine once that happened, but she didn't do it. Scaramouce shoots Lumine without any warning and she falls to the ground. Kazuha holds onto his dad. "Dad! Please.. Stay with me, okay? You still have to tell me so many stories about grandma, like you promised. You still have to go to my wedding someday. We still have so much to do. Please don't die. Please.. Please don't..".
Scaramouche shoots Lumine three more times in her chest and then once more in her head. His face having the same cold expression the whole time. "C'mon, we have to get out of here", Scara says while trying to pull Kazuha away from his dying dad. "No!!". Scaramouche pulls him away, getting Kazuha's dad's blood all over him. Kazuha cries and screams as he tries to get out of Scara's arms. Scaramouche finally manages to pull Kazuha out of the room and sits him down on the ground. "Kaz, I know this is hard, but we have to get out of here. We can no longer ave your father. We don't know if Lumine had anyone else in here, considering that she didn't follow our plan". Scaramouche sits down next to Kazuha and puts his arms around him. "I'll let you cry for five minutes, but then we really have to go, okay?". "I want my dad", Kazuha manages to say through his sobs. "Your dad is dead, there's no getting him back, stop crying and get over it". Kazuha starts hitting Scaramouche and tries to get away from him. Scara grabs Kazuha by his wrists and pulls him into a kiss. 
Kazuha stops crying and starts wiping his tears. "I hate you". "I know", Scara says while standing up. He reaches out his hand for Kazuha to take and lifts him up. "Now shut up and come with me".

"I know a way to shut him up". 
They both turn towards the voice. It's Aether. "What'd I say? No funny buisiness. Where's Lumine? Where'd you tie her up?". Kazuha runs up to Aether "She's fucking dead". Before Kazuha can reach Aether, he pulls out a knife from his pocket and starts making a stabbing motion with his arm. He stabs Kazuha and everything goes black. Kazuha passes out from the pain and falls to the ground. Scaramouche, who was still holding his gun, shoots Aether. "Kazuha! Fuck!".

Kazuha opens his eyes. Everything is blurry. His eyelids feel heavy. He's trying his best to keep them open. "Kaz..? Are you awake?.."
Kazuha moves his head to the side, Scaramouche is sitting next to him, holding onto his hand. "I thought you were dead". "So did I... My dad.. Is he..?". Scaramouche nods and tears start forming in Kazuha's eyes. He holds them, trying not to cry in front of Scaramouche again. He slowely sits up and Scara sits down next to him. He kisses him and grabs onto his hand. Scara pulls away and just looks him in the eyes.
Kazuha softly grabs Scara's face, "Have you been crying?". Scara's eyes are red and teary. "Fuck, Kazuha. You have no idea how scared I was. I thought you were dead". "My bad". Scara puts his head onto Kazuha's shoulder. "Kazuha, I've never felt this way about anyone before..."

"i wish i knew the exact words to describe just how perfect you are... I look at you, and I just love you. You don't have to do anything special or fancy, for some reason everything you do amazes me. The way you can make me feel happy by just simply being around me is confusing and I hope that one day I'll realize just what all of this means. I don't know much about love, and I don't know much about you. I haven't even known you for that long, but.. I really.. love.. you... The truth is, if I could be with anyone, it'd be you. I love how I can just look at you and be satisfied. I thought someone like you only existed in those stupid books and movies, but here you are. I really don't understand it, but I don't want to lose you, ever. Which is why it hurts".
Kazuha pulls Scara closer to him, "What hurts?".
Scaramouche takes a deep breath. "Do you know why I came here?". Kazuha shakes his head in response. "We're known as the big three, well were. And over time our groups started to hate each other, trying to get rid of each other to be known as the 'biggest' 'strongest' mafia".
"Hey, now that my dad isn't here, do I have to take everything over?". 
Scaramouche starts to cry. "Yeah.. It fucking sucks. I'm so sorry". "Don't cry, love. Why are you sorry?". "I've always wanted to make my mom proud, show her that I'm worth taking over after her. She sent me on a mission". Kazuha frowns and tries to wipe away Scara's tears. "I really love you Kazuha, I really do. But I can't let my mom down". Kazuha tries his best to comfort Scara, but he isn't sure what to do.
Scaramouche grabs somethign from his pocket and hugs  Kazuha. "Please forgive me". And with those words Scaramouche stabs Kazuha. 

There's a knock at the door. "Come in", Ei says. Scaramouche enters, covered in blood. "I did it. There's no more big three. Just us". Ei walks up to Scaramouche. "Good. Now go wash that blood off you". "Yes, mom". Scara leaves the room and makes his way to one of the bathrooms in the buildings. He takes his clothes off and gets into the shower, his jacket that he was wearing earlier still in his hands. He turns the water on and takes the knife that he used to murder Kazuha with and stares at it. The water making the previous blood drip off the kife. "I love you", Scaramouche says in a mocking way. He cleans the knife and then himself. He really did like how easy it was to maipulate Kazuha.

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