5. Girl

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"You could say that", Scara responds. "I'm not a dealer, but if you're interested in a job I could get you the stuff. You could keep some for yourself, that would resolve your.. issue, no?". Kazuha looks at Scaramouche. Scara nods at him. "Elaborate on the job". Aether's smile becomes a bit bigger and he stands up. "Why don't you follow me". They all get up and walk out a door and up some stairs. They enter a room with a few guys. "Sit down", Aether says while pointing somewhere and sitting down behind a small desk. "Lumine, get the stuff for me". Lumine walks away into a different room. "I normally don't do work here that often, but I like you two, I can see us going somewhere". Lumine returns with a gray bagpack. She hands it to Kazuha. "I just need you to sell half of it, I don't care what you do with the other half. But don't try to run with it. Also don't sell for cheap or I'll have you get me money a different way". Kazuha opens the bag and his eyes widen. "Cocaine", he says while handing the bag to Scaramouche. It's a lot. Well, a lot for a small job. Scaramouche looks in the bag and closes it. "Shouldn't be too hard. How long do we have?". Aether leans back. "Look! This is why I like you two, this is how buiseness should go!". Lumine let's out a small laugh, "Haven't seen you this excited about rookies in a while". "I'll give you a month, how's that?". "A week is more than enough", Scara says while handing the bag back to Kazuha. "Wonderful. Now go have fun, drinks on the house. You can just leave the bag here if needed, I'll have one of my guys let you back up here if needed". Kazuha and Scaramouche leave back to the club after sayign their goodbyes. 

"He's a nice guy", Kazuha says while getting a drink. "Agree to disagree", Scara says. They sit down somewhere and talk for a bit until suddenly the girl that Scaramouche was talking to earlier walks over to them. "There you are!", she says while getting onto his lap. Kazuha looks at him. He smiles at the girl and puts an arm around her. "Who's your friend?", she says while giving Kazuha a quick look. "That's my boyfriend". "Ooohh! Cool". Kazuha feels a bit relieved. He knowns that Scaramouche isn't really his boyfriend, but he just doesn't like how that girl is all over him. Though he can't seem to feel relieved for long. The girl grabs Scaramouche's face and kisses him. He doesn't push her away or anything. Instead he deepens the kiss and pulls her closer by her waist, softly carresing her thigh with his other hand. Kazuha just looks at them for a minute or two and then stands up. "I'm going home, you can take the bag with you". He walks out of the club and stands outside for a bit. It's dark, almost no lights. He grabs his phone to look at the time, 2 AM. He unlocks it and goes to his contacts, about to call Miko if she can send a car to pick him up, when suddenly he gets interrupted by someone grabbing his wrist. "Where are you going? You can't just leave like that". He turns towards the voice to see Scaramouche standing next to him with a confused look on his face. "I thought you were busy pressing your face into that girl". Scara scoffs at him, "Are you jealous? You know we're not actually dating right". For some reason that made Kazuha mad. "It's no-", he get's cut off by the girl walking up to them, too drunk to function. "Don't leave meee! We were having so much fun". She puts her arms around Scaramouche and he slides his hand around her waist. 

Tw: Mentions of blood, gore, implied NSFW,  ect.

Kazuha scoffs at them and is about to walk away when he gets sstopped again. "Kaz". Kazuha looks Scara in his eyes, waiting for him to continue. "Do something about it then", he says while reaching into his pocket and handing Kazuha a gun. Kazuha takes it without thinking and holds it for a minute. "What..?". Scaramouche smiles at him. "If you want this to stop, do soemthing about it. He turns his face towards the girl and she starts to kiss him again. Without thinking Kazuha grabs he and pushes her off him to the ground. She yells at him while he just looks. Scaramouche get's behind Kazuha and grabs his arms, aiming the gun towards the girl. "There's only one way to stop this Kazuha". He let's go of him and walks over to the girl. "You okay, babe?". "Scara, I'm angry but I could neve-". Scaramouche turns towards him with a smile. "You're fucking pathetic. You really think anythign could ever possibly happen if you won't even kill for me? You're such a horrible person Kazuha. You should think about that while you hear her moan my name tonight. I'll make sure to make her feel good". Kazuha gets angry tears and glares at him. He then puts his gaze towards the girl, still on the ground. Scaramouche walks back towards Kazuha. Putting his face next to his. "Just like that.. Embrace the anger", Scaramouche whispers. "Do it for me". Kazuha looks at Scara and then back at the girl. He closes his eyes and shoots her 3 times. He opens his eyes again to see the girl now laying on the ground, not moving, blood pouring out of her onto the street. Scaramouche gently grabs Kazuha's face and kisses him. Kazuha lowers the gun and Scaramouche pulls him closer, putting his hand under his shirt. He softly carresses his back. Kazuha pulls away, "Scara..". "Hm?". "I did it for you". "I know, love".
Scaramouche grabs the gun from Kazuha, sliding it back into his pocket. "Why don't we go somewhere else", Scaramouche says while gently pulling Kazuha's face up by his chin.

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