6. Segsy time

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This chapter is completely NSFW, nothing important to the story will be mentioned here, so feel free to skip it if you want.

(Authors note: Sorry that it took so long for me to publish this chapter, I finished like half the page and then ever after high's theme song started playing on spotify so I decided to rewatch the whole show right then and there and then someone's cat kept going into my house, so I had to chase the cat around my house and then finally lift it up and take it outside like 12 times)

Kazuha's bedroom door opens and slams against the wall. Scaramouche softly chuckles and roughly presses his lips against Kazuha's while slamming the door shut again. They make their way over to his bed in a struggle. Not stopping their kiss once. They fall onto the bed and Scaramouche pushes hsi tounge into Kazuha's mouth. Kazuha's hand slides under Scara's shirt, while softly tucking at it with his other hand to take it off. Scaramouche breaks the kiss to take his shirt off and throws it onto the ground. He moves his hands onto Kazuha's thighs to open his legs. He then leans back down to kiss him again. Kazuha bites into Scara's bottom lip. He can feel his heartbeat fasten. Not only from the current situation, but also from what he did to cause it. 
Scaramouche softly grinds his hips onto Kazuha's causing Kazuha to let out a small moan. "You're sensitive". "No I'm not, shup up", Kazuha says while hiding his face in embarassment. Scaramouche grabs his chin and roughly pulls his face back. He slides off Kazuha's pants.
He puts his hand on his inner thigh. Kazuha shakes a bit. "Your hands are cold". "I know". Scaramouche softly and slowly caresses Kazuha's thigh, going a little bit higher every time. "Do you want me to touch you?", Scara says while looking up into his eyes. Kazuha nods in response. "Beg for it". "Please?". Scaramouche scoffs at him. "That's what you call begging? Get on your knees". Kazuha does as he says and looks up at him. "Please touch me Scara.. Make me feel good.. Please". Scara smiles at him. "Where?". Kazuha hides his face in his hands. "Please don't make me say it..". "That's too bad.. Guess you'll just have to learn how to behave". Scara grabs Kazuha's hand and places it onto his buldge. "Go ahead, take it off". Kazuha does as he says and takes the rest of Scara's clothes off, revealing his already rigid member. "See, you're already learning. Now be a good boy and take yours off as well". Kazuha slowly takes his clothes off and gets back onto his knees in front of Scara. 
"Open", Kazuha opens his mouth. Scaramouche grabs him by the back of his head, hand full of hair and pushes his member completely into his throat. Kazuha let's out a gagging sound. "Calm down, you can take it". After a few seconds Kazuha calms down. Scaramouche softly grinds his hips, having his tip touch the back of Kazuha's throat. Saliva spilling out of Kazuha's mouth as Scara grinds more. He let's out a moan and pulls out. "You're not going to make me do all the work now?". Kazuha nods and grabs Scara's member with his hand. Going in an up and down motion while putting his mouth closer. He gently takes the tip in his mouth and slowly takes more in. "Faster". Kazuha does as he says and starts to suck faster. Scaramouche throw his head back in pleasure. "Fuck..", he stutters out while moaning. Kazuha sucks faster and faster, taking more in with each motion. Scara grabs onto Kazuha's head once more and pushes his head further. "Fu-.. Ngh~.. Cu-.. Cumming~..". Scaramouche stutters through his moans. Kazuha starts sucking even fasters than before. Scara let's out a loud moan as he cums in Kazuha's mouth. After releasing everything he takes his member out of Kazuha's mouth.

Scaramouche pulls Kazuha up and holds his face. A bit of cum is coming out between Kazuha's lips. Scara pushes his finger's in Kazuha's mouth and takes them back out. His fingers are covered in the white liquid. It's dripping down to his palm. Scara pulls Kazuha closer by his waist with his other hand and pushes the fingers covered in cum onto Kazuha's hole. Slowly pushing them in. Kazuha swallows the rets of the the liquid left in his mouth and Scara pushes his lips onto his. Pushing his tounge in his mouth while pushing his finger deeper inidside Kazuha's hole at the same time. Kazuha let's out a moan through the kiss and Scara pulls away. He moves his face towards Kazuha's neck. Sucking and licking all the sensitive spots, making him moan louder. Kazuha grabs onto Scara's back, nails digging into his skin as Scara's fingers go deeper and faster inside him. Suddenly he stops, making Kazuha let out a loud annoyed whine. Scara moves his face up from Kazuha's neck to his ear. "Safeword is green", he whispers before starting to suck on the edge of Kazuha's ear. Kazuha let's out a whimper and pulls Scaramouche closer to him.

Scara moves his hands down Kazuha's legs and lifts him up and lays him onto the bed. He let's go of him and grabs lube. He puts some on his hole. Sliding his fingers back inside to make sure the lube is everywhere. Scara takes his fingers out and bends over Kazuha. "Do you want me to go slow?", Scara says while burrying his face in Kazuha's neck. "Yes please". Scaramouche laughs and bites into Kazuha's neck, leaving marks all over. He pushes his member in without any warning. He starts biting and sucking on Kazuha's neck and collarbones while roughly thrusting inside of him. "S-scara.. Ngh~", Kazuha whines out while grabbing onto Scaramouche's back. Scaramouche's thrusts go fasters and deeper with every moan Kazuha let's out. Pushing his member all the way in, touching Kazuha's soft spot. Kazuha's moans are almost screams at this point, he bites into Scara's shoulder, trying to muffle his sounds.
One of Scaramouche's hands goes up to Kazuha's head, pulling his hair making Kazuha's eyes water. "Ah~ F-faster..", Kazuha says shakingly through his whines. "Hm? What'd you say?". "Fast- ter..". Scaramouche fastens his speed and pulls Kazuha's face up, pressing his lips against Kazuha's. Scara forces his tounge in, moaning into the kiss. "Ngh! Cumming~". Scara thrusts deeper, making the sound of their hips coming into contact louder than the moans. Kazuha grips into Scaramouche's back, digging his nails and leaving marks all over. Cum shooting out onto his stomach and chest as his hole tightens around Scara. Kazuha let's out a loud whine as Scaramouche goes even faster than before. Moaning loudly as he releases his cum inside of Kazuha. 

Scara pulls out and turn's Kazuha around. Forcing his hips up and he slams his member back in. "Ngh~ Wait! Sca- Ah~!". Scaramouche's left hand moves up to Kazuha's throat, choking him while he slams inside of him. "St.. Stop.. Ngh~". Kazuha stutters out while tears fall from his eyes. "How pathetic". Scara's grip tightens around his throat. Kazuha tries to take Scara's hand off, only to fail. "Stop.. I.. Ngh~ C-cumming..". "Already? You're so sensitive". Scaramouche moves his right hand towards Kazuha's hips, gripping onto his member. He goes in a fast up and down motion while a sticky fluid coming out of Kazuha drips onto his hand. Scara's thrusts get sloppier but rougher every second. "N-no more.. Ah~", Kazuha says while trying to push Scara off him. Scaramouche only goes deeper and rougher because of it. "Stop! Stopstopstop- Ngh! St-top.. Ah~", Kazuha whines out. He grips onto whatever he can as he can feel another climax coming. But suddenly Scaramouche stops. 
Kazuha moves his hips, trying to get any type of pleasure he can while letting out an annoyed whine. "Isn't this what you wanted? Weren't you begging me to stop earlier?", Scara says while pulling out of him. He's taking big deep breaths. "Please.. Please Scara.. I want- I want to cum.. Please". Scaramouche smirks and slams his member back in without giving Kazuha any time to think. He keeps slamming his member in and out til he can feel himself being close to finishing. "Cum for me", he says while looking into Kazuha's eyes. Kazuha presses his lips onto Scara's while interwining their fingers. Scara squuezes into Kazuha's hand to the point where it hurts as they both cum one last time.

Scara let's himself drop onto Kazuha. He's exhausted. Kazuha softly wraps his arms around him and burries his face in Scara's neck, dozing off to sleep within seconds.

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