4. The club

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"If that's what you want", Scaramouche says before walking away. "Where are you going?". "We have to make a plan for tomorrow, don't we?".

Wednesday finally arrives. Kazuha get's ready after spending the whole day being nervous in his room. Scaramouche should be arriving any time now. He makes his way down to the basement and into the room his dad is in. "I'll make sure it won't happen again dad. I promise". He wipes a small tear leaving his eye. Seeing his dad like this is truely horrifying to him. Suddenly he feels a vibration coming from his back pocket. He grabs his phone and picks up. "I'm here", he hears Scaramouche say. He hung up after saying that one sentence. "Charming", Kazuha says to himself before making his way out of the building and into Scaramouche's car. "You ready?", Scara says before driving off. The whole ride to was spent in silence. Once they arrive and get out of the car Scaramouche immediately grabs Kazuha's hand. They walk over to Alice and Kaeya. "Took you long enough". Kaeya walks over to a guy and talks with him for a bit. He returns and they all make their way in. "Have fun!", Alice says before running off with Kaeya.

Scaramouche looks around the club, trying to find Lumine. "Want me to get us a drink?". Scara nods and Kazuha walks off. There's a small bar in the back, though there's a bunch of people there trying to order. He moves closer to the bar, basically half laying on it because of the pushing. "You look like you're in a comfortable position", a voice next to him says. Kazuha turns his head to the direction of the voice to see a blonde girl next to him. "Sure am", he responds. The bartender finally notices him and he orders 2 drinks. "It's quite busy today", the girl says while moving a bit closer to Kazuha. "I wouldn't know, it's my first time here". The girl's eyes widen in excitement. "Do you happen to be busy? Or can I tell you more about this place?". Kazuha nods and smiles in response and follow the girl to a small table somewhere in the back. "Oh- Almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lumine!". How did he not notice this sooner? "Ah- I like.. your.. name". Lumine chuckles, "Thanks!". "I'm uh- ..Ka-", Kazuha stops for a second, he almost said his real name. "I'm Kayden". "Nice to meet you Kayden! So.. Let me tell you everything". Kazuha leans back on his chair. "So that guy is Jason and he's super annoying so whatever you do, try to avoid talking to him. He'll just start bragging about stuff that never happened. Aaandd that guy is my brother Aether, he owns the place. I'm not sure if he'll like that you're talking to me, so that might be an issue, but besides that he's a really chill guy!". Kazuha stops Lumine. Pissing Aether off will sure be a big issue. "I don't think your brother will mind.. I have uh- I have a boy..friend..". Lumine gets even more excited. "Boyfriend?!! You HAVE to introduce me to him. We're best friends now afterall. Oh! Oh! That girl is Quiyue, she throws herself at every person in here. Especially when they're mean. I think she has a degrading-". Lumine gets cut off again, but this time by Aether approaching them. He sits down next to Kazuha. "Lumine could you get me some water". "No". He looks her in the eyes. "Fine". She stands up and walks away. Aether turns his head towards Kazuha. "You' gonna hook up with her, or what?", he says while glaring into Kazuha's eyes. "No!". Aether bends a bit towards Kazuha while running his hand through his hair. "If you even think about doing anything with her I'll personally slit your throat". Kazuha moves back in his chair while waving his hands in a "nonono" way. "You've got it all wrong! I have a boyfriend!!". Aether frowns at him and leans back in his chair. "Is he here?". Kazuha nods in response. "Go get him. Just want to make sure you're not lying to do anything funny with my sister". Kazuha stands up and speed walks over to Scaramouche. Scara is standing next to a girl, laughing. For some reason it makes Kazuha angry. What is he thinking?! He should focus on work and not some girl. Kazuha grabs Scara's arm and drags him away. "Kaz- What are you doing?!", Scaramouche says angrily. "Her brother wants proof that I have a boyfriend". "Who's brother??". "Lumine's". Scaramouche stands still, forcing Kazuha to stop walking. "I thought you were just getting drinks, but now you're suddenly already in contact with her". "Yeah, and I thought you were focusing on why we're here and not on some girl". Scaramouche rolls his eyes and grabs Kazuha's hand. "Lead the way, we'll talk about this later". Kazuha scoffs and drags Scara with him. They arrive to where Kazuha was sitting earlier. Lumine is back now. They sit down and Kazuha let's go of Scara's hand. "Is this him??!", Lumine asks. "Yeah!", Kazuha says while giving her a soft smile. "I saw you have some sort of agrument before you came here, what was that about?", Aether says with the same cold look in his eyes. "It's nothing to worry about", Scara says while giving Aether a cold look back. "Don't be shy". Aether is now looking at Kazuha to intimidate him. "Ah- Well.. he hasn't really had a lot of time for me recently so I hoped it wouldn't be like that tonight.. but I guess my hopes didn't work", Kazuha says with a small awkward laugh. Scaramouche turns towards him, "You're the one that's always high, it's no fun hanging out with you like that". "Wha-", Kazuha goes quiet for a second, trying to think of what to say next. "It would be more if you also took something, that way you can spend more time with me". Scara gives Kazuha a small smile to let him know he said the right thing. "Well that's because you never give me any". "Maybe if you'd help me find a new dealer then you could have some!". 
Aether moves a bit close to them with a smile on his face. "So you need some stuff, aye?".

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