13 - Breathe

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It was early evening and I was alone in the guest house preparing dinner. Ursa was sharing a meal with Azula, so I had the place all to myself. I smiled, thinking back on the past week. Ursa made sure to spend as much time as possible with Azula. Being with her mother had made a world of difference, and the doctors were considering releasing her from the hospital soon. I also had a say in the decision, and my willingness to continue to help Azula upon her release helped push the doctors in the direction of letting her out. Word had been sent earlier today to Zuko about our recommendation.

There was a knock on the front door and I made my way out of the kitchen to answer. Outside stood Ten Xin, the man in charge of the messenger hawks that come and go from the island.

"Message for you, Katara. Sent personally from Fire Lord Zuko," he said with a gruff voice, handing me a scroll that was sealed with the Fire Lord's emblem. Thanking him, I closed the door and unrolled the scroll.


I sent a letter to the hospital, but I wanted to send a note to you personally. I want to thank you for offering to help Azula, and it pleases me that you were able to actually get through to her and use your waterbending to mend her spirit.

Lazu has been sending me weekly updates of her progress, and I am relieved to know that things went well between my mother and sister. I also know that you have gotten closer to Azula, and actually now consider her a friend. She needs friends more than ever.

I am seriously considering the recommendation I received to have Azula released from the hospital. But what happens to her next is not entirely up to me. As you probably know, a war crime tribunal consisting of the leaders of each nation has been put together. They will have a say in whether or not she is to be tried for any crimes. Aang, surprisingly, is advocating for her. He told me privately that Azula's destiny is yet to be discovered, but that she is meant for great things. He wouldn't say anymore than that, but I trust him. Plus I have shown the tribunal her records from the hospital. Hopefully, it will help.

I am going to come to Hing Wa Island as soon as I am able. There are negotiations almost daily, and Aang and I have been swamped. He says hello, by the way, and will try to come with me if time allows.

I just want to see my little sister again, healthy and sane.

Thank you again for everything you have done for me and my family. I will see you soon.

Fire Lord Zuko

His letter left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was happy that Zuko and possibly Aang would be coming. I missed them terribly, as I did my other friends and family. I looked forward to seeing them again.

But some of what Zuko wrote upset me. Once Azula left the hospital, she could be sent to prison. While I doubted Zuko would choose to incarcerate his sister, especially considering that she was changing, the decision was obviously not entirely up to him.

The idea of her being in such conditions broke my heart. She had come so far to regain some inner balance. She didn't need to be watched around the clock anymore, so staying in the hospital was no longer necessary, but her mind still needed time to heal. Being imprisoned could send her right back to where she started. I shuddered at the thought.

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