
"You got one month, make something work like your very talented girlfriend..." Leonard informed Collin as he did his months rounds and progress reports.

"We are on a break actually." Collin bit out his eyes drifting to Moira who rolled her eyes in annoyance, that was not helping his cause. The CEO, Leonard looked back to Moira hesitantly. They were brought together every months or two to discuss development and advances, and every time a grant was given for research.

"Either way she is making strides towards her future, as you probably know she got the only grant this term to peruse her experiment on persistent and dormant Lyme disease, while on the other hand you have been stuck." Devon smiled at Moira and her accomplishment while Collin gave her a hurt look. "I have a soft spot for time travel but don't think that for a minute I won't fire you for wasting my time and money on foolishness." Collin hesitated looking to Moira, she hadn't told him she got the grant she needed. He gave her a pained expression, why didn't she tell him sooner, he still loved her, still cared. She avoided his gaze so Collin quickly looked back to Leonard.

"I won't sir and when I figure it out you will be the first to know." Collin tried to sound more confident than he actually was in his success rate.

"God, fix your tie, brush your hair," he sucked in a breath, "and wash your teeth." Leonard scoffed at Collin. "You are making a fool of yourself."

"I will get it to work," Collin insisted.

"One month Mr. Bernard." Leonard said down to Collin. "Dismissed," he told the group and they scattered. "Moira," Leonard's voice boomed. Moira stopped and turned back to Leonard a sense of worry cased over her. "Can I speak with you for a moment? In my office please." Moira followed him in silence as they walked. Moira opened her mouth debating words but every time he glanced in her direction she went quiet. She didn't know what to do, what to say. He applauded her and her studies but after his very loud conversation with Collin Moira was worried that her grant was in jeopardy.

"Please, take a seat." Leonard offered a hand out once they stepped inside his office. He closed the door behind them and made his way to his side of the grand wooden desk.

"Um, what's this about?" Moira asked with a small smile, hoping that her fear wasn't seen.

"I like what you are doing here." He informed her and she let out her breath, relaxing a bit in her chair.

"Good, I'm glad. I'm really happy about the grant. We are going to be able to achieve so much!" Moira replied eagerly.

"Good, that's what I want to hear." Leonard paused for a moment as he leaned back in his chair and watched Moira.

"I can give you a more detailed overview of what we plan to do if your worried-" Moira began cautiously. There was obviously something more that he wanted to say.

"I want you to be a part of the next meeting. Share your experiment with the group." Leonard said suddenly.

"Sir?" Moira questioned.

"At the founders meeting, you have been making immensely large strides and I couldn't be happier with your work. You have made this company very happy."

"Thank you sir, I didn't do it alone. My team is phenomenal." Moira didn't know what to say. She always wanted to travel and being asked to travel to the founders meeting, share her ideas with billionaires, get her mission plan out so she could possibly help the world...

"I think that you are going to be the next face of this company at the rate you're going. How old are you now? 25?" Leonard opened her personnel file flipping through her assignments and achievements since starting with them.

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