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                14. No turning back.

It had been a week and there was no sign of getting the time machine working again. Collin needed his equipment and future tools that were not invented yet to help him figure this out.

"Hey," Moira interrupted Collin's train of thought and he jumped, slicing his finger on the machine. "You need to take a step back," Moira grabbed some toilet paper and pressed it to his bleeding finger. "And sleep." He focused on his finger. "It's 3 in the morning, you haven't slept all week." Moria said kneeling down next to him.

"I haven't been born yet," Collin whisper shouted. "I shouldn't need to sleep!" his voice trembled as Moira rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"What's going on?" Leonard questioned popping his head into the bathroom.

"Nothing," Collin replied bitterly. "Nothing is working."

"You will get it." Moira encouraged. Leonard looked down at them annoyed but also pity.

"Moira, I'm so sorry." She pressed her head into his shoulder. "Leonard, I'm sorry. You should have fired me before my obsession took over completely... then maybe this wouldn't have happened." Moira held onto Collin not sure of what to say, what to do. Should they start getting comfy in 1920? Should they give up? What were their families thinking? Their colleagues? "I know what I just said sounds like I'm blaming you but I'm not." Collin clarified. "I just meant that you were right, you were right and I should have stopped..." Collin's lip twitched. "I should have given up, not it's too late." Leonard closed his eyes and leaned against the doorframe. A long moment passed before Leonard opened his mouth to speak.

"Get some sleep." He said after an eternity. Devon had woken up and moved to the vacant bed to listen in on the conversation. "You got time travel to work. We should be celebrating; you did the impossible, Collin." Collin looked up to him; Moira rested her chin on Collin's shoulder. "Come on," Leonard stuck out a hand for Collin. "A good night's sleep will do you good." Collin took his hand a nodded, then pulled Moira up.

"Let's go to sleep, we can figure this all out later."

"That girl, Fauna..." Devon began. "She didn't come with us." Lena looked around the room verifying that they just didn't miss her.

"Right?" Collin said annoyed.

"Well, she was the one that made it work." Collin drilled a hole into Devon. "I mean wasn't she the one to start messing with if? What if we just tried to do what she did?"

"Make it look pretty?" Moira offered.

"Worth a shot." Collin said and began pulling at wires sending small electrical currents through him as he did. The wires were fried and the metals were broken he needed different tools and new chemicals but it just didn't before. Collin didn't know how it worked then, so how would be get it to work now?

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