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18. But everything wasn't fine.

When they got back they were in a lab room. Not the one they started in but in the one from 1983. It was newer and renovated. It was-

"The 2020 weekly bulletin!" Leonard announced.

"Collin you did it!" Moira said with a smile on her lips but when's he looked back he wasn't there. "Collin?" She questioned her voice catching in her throat.

"Collin?" Devon and Moira called.

"Hey what are you doing in my office?" They froze unable to speak. "Oh hey Raj, this that new girl you have been telling everyone about?" The man asked gesturing to Emily.

"Ha," Emily laughed. "I mean no offense." Emily looked at Raj, really looked at him. He was no longer 200 pounds overweight but he looked to be a Greek god. "What happened to you?"

"You don't need your glasses?" Devon questioned picking up the broken pieces that lay on the ground.

"I suppose not." Emily said taking them, able to see Raj's new form clearly.

"Did you happen to see another guy leave?" Moira questioned the still unknown man. "Tall, dirty blonde hair-"

"Crystal blues eyes," Emily added still obviously in love with him.

"No," The man said quizzically. "What's up with you?" Raj couldn't stop looking at his abs. He ran a hand over his stomach.

"I look hot." Raj said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah, Collin though where is Collin?" Moira said annoyed.

"Daisy?" Leonard questioned.

"What?" Moria questioned.

"MY ring!" He exclaimed. "It worked." Leonard rushed out of man's office and into the hall. "M ring is back!" he announced, the group followed him.

"Where is the time machine?" Devon questioned.

"Collin brought it back and forth with him but I don't see it this time." Emily said softly and Moira broke slightly.

"If Collin is stuck in the past at least he has the machine to get here." Leonard said mindlessly.

"I don't think so," Moira said feeling an ache in her chest. She felt like something was missing. "My watch is gone."

"Collin isn't here," Devon said over and over and still couldn't fathom it.

"Excuse me." A security guard said waving at them. "I'm going to need to scan you in." Moira patted her jacket; she didn't have her Id badge. None of them did.

"I'm Leonard Capp." Leonard said still holding his ring in his fingers joyously. "I forgot my name badge at home.

"Give me a second to look you all us then... oh Lena." The man said his cheeks blushing. Go on ahead up." Lena gave them all a shimmy.

"Don't mind if I do." She said walking slowly as they got scanned in.

Leonard, Raj and Moira were given a badge but Emily and Devon weren't in the system.

"What do you mean I'm not in the system?" Emily asked confused. "My uncle runs-"

"Your uncle is an old mean black man?" the security guard questioned

"What? No!" Emily yelled back applauded.

"What about me?" Devon interrupted/

"I don't think he has any siblings, nice try." The offered said to Devon.

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