
"Lenard comes tomorrow." Devon announced at his third cup of coffee. "Tomorrow guys. We lost."

"Don't be such a downer," Moira moaned from the floor. Her eyes were blood shot and her body was weak. The room smelled like a zoo had gone un kept for a week.

"What are we going to do?" Collin groaned, slammed his fist into the table. "I'm sorry, you all wasted your time."

"We can still do this, one day to show him something. One day to prove we are making strides in the right direction." Lena said as she pat Emily's back waking her from her nap and handing her a Styrofoam cup filled with black coffee.

"You are going to get in enough trouble as it is," Collin informed Moira. "You should go, get back to work. We failed you shouldn't been seen around me." Moira shook her head, not listening. She was never one to follow directions anyway. "Moira you are going to be fi-"

"I will be fine Collin." She said blinking away sleep. "I made a promise, then I broke it, so what? You are more important. And besides..." She grinned looking up to him. "If we get this to work, we can always go back in time and give it to our younger selves so we don't get fired, right?"

"Sort of takes the pressure off doesn't it? Knowing that we would bring it to ourselves..." they waited a moment hoping for a portal of some sort to come and deliver them the machine or a clue on how to fix their current machine. Nothing happened, the clock kept ticking irritatingly on the wall, the autumn leaves continued to fall on the ground, they continued to breath heavily, sleepily as they waited for a miracle.

"Woah it stinks in here." Fauna announced as she swung the door open and closed. "What have you people been doing?" She took a step forward leaning her head inside.

"Time travel, we had a party with the Beatles last night." Devon said sarcastically.

"I wish," Lena said with an eye roll.

"Um right," Fauna looked around at everyone's tired faces, "well the meeting is being pushed up to today. Just thought I would let you know since no one has seen any of you for the past few days."

"What?" They all said in unison. That woke them up.

"We had a day one more day." Emily said defeated.

"Okay so if I could just make one change." Fauna said holding her nose as she walked in the room. "If you place this tube into the generator and the pink think in here..." Fauna stated pulling things apart and they all cringed but let her keep going. What could it hurt, they had failed.

"Wait a second." Moira said standing up, "I think that works."

"I thought it looked better this way. I don't know much science stuff, but I know marketing and it looks nicer like this, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, and if we add..." Collin started moving things around adding together formulas, tubes, wiring, "this could work." He added, a tinge of hope in his voice.

"Oh and this," Lena moved forward a fresh set of eyes was all they needed. Devon and Emily lifted the vortex to carefully to the center.

"You ready? This could be it." Collin grasped Moira's hand. "If it works or not," Collin began as Fauna pulled out her phone. Someone had to record this moment, Fauna thought as she prepared for a miracle. Time travel, Fauna continued to think happily as she hit record and waited, wouldn't that be cool? Fauna could go back in time and break up with her ex before he cheated on her. Collin opened his mouth to speak again and everyone's eyes turned to him, not with hate or anger but hope, and light. "I'm really glad we did this together, all of us."

"Don't keep us waiting," Devon said bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Let a rip."

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