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     "In flash they have it seem as though every day in every world every year is going on at the same time... which is stupid." Moira remarked.

Agreed. Devon said as he turned the volume down.

"I mean, Wells, or whichever evil villain he is that they refuse to kill is in the future by 30 years yet his existence is seemingly going on at the same time as 2019 flash..." Moira went on proving her point to Collin since he was shaking his head in disagreement.

"Yeah their time travel wouldn't happen." Collin agreed.

"Because their actions in getting the dagger thing destroyed would mean that he never would have been captured? Or something?" Moria questioned the experts. Devon and Collin shared knowing glances. Moira was a huge Marvel and DC comic's girl but she liked to question and judge the relatiy of everything which made watching certain things impossible with her.

"Well what about Endgame? Cap went back in time and stayed in the past... he could do that because the other him was frozen. Leaving him to live two lives." Devon interrupted.

"They don't go into the future at all in Endgame, just the past." Collin said, running a hand through Moria's hair. "Going into the future has too many unknown possibilities like is there a future to go to?"

"Yes." Devon said defensively. "There is most definitely a future to go to. But Flash does it incorrectly either way." Devon took a handful of popcorn, "What if they went back and just destroyed one of the stones and then Thanos wouldn't be able to destroy the world. Just one stone and nothing would have ever happened." They all thought on this for moment thinking back to Endgame.

"Also where is Loki go?" Moira questioned. Loki was her favorite and him being dead was not an option. "I mean he should be alive because Thanos would have never..." she thought on that for a moment. "When they went back in time they screwed up and Loki got away that would have changed everything after that."

"Like what?" Collin questioned.

"Like what?" Moira scuffed.

Devon started to laugh at Moira's attitude and began choking on his popcorn; Moira reached a hand over a pat his back.

"Well Thor's movies would have been screwed because Loki would have been gone and they would have had to do another Avengers movie to get him back. Moira reasoned.

I supposed. Devon said hesitantly.

This is why time travel doesn't make any sense. Moira threw her hands up and accidently hit Collin in the cheek. Oops. She turned to him kissing him better. Sorry. He smiled down at her, she would never believe in his work but he didn't care. He dated other girls that thought time travel was great just to get in his pants but Moira questioned him, questioned everything that he wanted to accomplish and made him want to prove her wrong show her the possibility of traveling through time with him.

What about going back in time? Not time travel but turning back time! Moira went on.

Moira, it's a show, not real life. Collin tried to explain but as soon as the words came out he knew he messed up.

But you believe its possible so shouldn't be analyzing what's wrong with their system more than I? A non-believer.

Moira, give him a break. Devon said with a grin kicking up his feet on the coffee table. He's hopelessly in love he can't think about science when Danielle Panabaker is on the screen.

Shut up. Collin exclaimed throwing a pillow at him. Moira started giggling quietly as the credit rolled.

IT's not real life. That's what Moira's mind kept going back to. It's not real life. Time travel is not real. Moira sucked in a breath, her mind and body finally coming back to reality.

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