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  A small boutique which would have been very expensive in 1920 was nothing more than a drop in the bucket for our futuristic bunch. They bought dresses and suits, also some more casual wear just in case they were stuck here another night. Which seemed highly likely.

"Wow, 20." The woman behind the boutique counter said amazed. "I haven't seen one of these in a long while. She counted the change out and handed the money back to Collin. He paid for everyone's outfits seeing as though they were here because of him, it was literally the least he could do.

"Do I look like James Bond?" Devon said pulling on his jacket. Moira laughed as he spun in her dress when they got back to the hotel to change, freshen up. "Seriously how to do I look?" He questioned.

"Very handsome," Moira pulled out a jacket for Collin. "Come on, take a break lets have some fun. This might be our new life after all," she joked but it could be true.

Once their girls were in flapper dressed Moira couldn't put her hands down she twisted her hips and feet making her dress twirl around her a silly grin on her face.

"You having fun?" Collin asked as he stuck his head into the girl's room.

"I love this!" Moira announced her heels moving easily across the ground. They looked the part, now it was time to act the part. Collin used his skills to determine where the clubs might be and just to their luck they heard music humming from below them. Moira shimmied her shoulders as she pulled Collin towards the music.

"Deviled eggs, rice pudding and martinis. Those are the most common snacks... Fudge as well." Collin said as he swirled his martini.

"Collin we are having fun not learning right now." Raj said moving towards the stage to watch the girls sing and dance in extravagant costumes.

"Come dance with me!" Moira said holding out a hand. Collin shook his head.

: I'm not really in the mood. He replied.

"I'll dance with you," Devon said pulling her onto the floor spinning her around.

"You are going to lose her." Leonard said taking a sip of his whiskey.

"What?' Collin asked confused as he threw his olive behind the bar, who likes olives, yuck.

"I lost my girl because I was too focused on my work; maybe if I would have listened to her we would still be married." Leonard said finishing his drink and requesting another. "Don't lose her because you are in a bad mood."

"I," Collin began but he saw Moira with a grin on her face as Devon dipped her. "I just wish I listened to her before I got us all stuck here."

"Me too." Leonard sucked down another drink. "Ms. Lu?" Lena looked up, "would you care to dance?" She smiled sheepishly and held a hand out to him. Raj was ogling the stage while Emily scooched closer to Collin.

"Not much of a dancer?" Emily questioned running a finger around the base of her drink.

"I love to dance." Collin said suddenly, "with Moira." Emily slouched slightly. "I'm being such a stick in the mud. We are in 1920." He stated and got up. Emily watched him hopelessly as he walked away. "Can I have this dance?" Collin asked them and Devon tried not to frown as Moira nodded sliding into his arms. "I'm sorry I was being so..." but she kissed him stopping him.

: It's okay, you are just worried and focused." She corrected. "On getting us home."

"Focused, yeah." He pulled her close and couldn't help but smile. She always made him feel better. "Thank you for getting us out of that room." Collin said as Devon offered a hand to Emily, she gratefully took it finally feeling like she wasn't left out of their inner circle.

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