12. You belong to me

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"What are you thinking about?"

Killua's question brought me back from my thoughts. I was thinking about Alluka. She looked nice, apart from the fact that she asked Killua to die, which I must say... Killua handled pretty cleverly. I glanced at him "I was thinking about what Alluka asked you to do"

Killua stared at me for a while before laughing. "Alluka asks favors from people before granting their wishes. But I'm an exception, as I don't have to do them in order to wish something from her. And she is not serious when she's asking me those, cause it's Alluka who is asking me to do them, not Nanika. So I'm not in danger, it makes me happy that you were worrying about me though.

My cheeks got red as I tried hard to hide it from him. I was worried, sure. But it's just a normal concern for another human being. "I think it's time for my training with Illumi, I better go before he gets mad"

AS soon as he heard that, Killua's face darkened, he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, at first it was suffocating me but soon he realized and loosen his grip a little, but holding me firmly. "I met you after so long and you want to run away already? It kinda hurts my feelings, love. All this time I was away from you, it felt like I was going crazy. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't focus on my work. All I thought about was seeing you again and..." he rubbed his face on the crook of my neck as his hands travelled around my hair. " Holding you like this in my arms..."

It was starting to get uneasy for me. I pushed him away as he looked at me shocked. He was angry I could tell, but I couldn't keep letting this happen. He needed to know that what he was doing, wasn't right.

"Why do you always do this to me? Can't you see just how much I love you? Why can't you just love me back!"

"Stop it! Do you think you can get my love by keeping me here like a prisoner? Then you are damn wrong, is all your family knows to imprison people? How can I expect anything from you when you imprisoned your own sister!" I stopped, that's when I realized that I spoke too much. I could see Killua's face getting dark.

Next thing I know that I was shoved into the wall as Killua tightened his grip of my throat. I tried to fight him by pushing him with my hands but he was too strong.

"Don't you ever talk about my sister like that ever again. She is there for her safety and so are you!. You are here cause it's where you belong, with me. Do you understand!?"

At this point I was unable to talk because the lack of oxygen was getting into me, I managed to nod my head and say "Y-Yes" and Killua released me from his grip. I fell into the ground and coughed. He crouched beside me and cupped my cheeks. He placed small kissed on my forehead before kissing my lips. "Don't say those things again, alright love? You're a good girl aren't you?" he kissed my lips again , his hands still caressing my cheeks. " You won't make me angry again, right?. RIGHT?"

"R-Right, I'm sorry" I managed to stutter out as I was still shaking with fear. Killua smiled like a psychopath as he carried me in his arm and took me to his room. The lack of oxygen did a number on me cause I was feeling dizzy. Killua noticed that and he pecked my lips " Go to sleep if you want to, love. I will be right here"

"I told you she is not well, go away! I am back after so long and I want to spend time with her" I heard Killua's voice when I woke up. Who was he talking to? i saw Illumi peaking from the door. Killua shut the door and walked towards me. I flinched away once he came close enough. He sighed "Are you hurt, love? Here, let me see" he touched my face and once again I flinched away from him and he surely didn't like that.

"Come here"

I stayed still

"I.said.come.here. NOW"

I shivered at his tone. I knew better than to disobey him at this point so I scoot closer to him. I hear him chuckle. "That's a good girl, now let me see"

He examined my neck. My throat was sore and I could feel pain when he touched me, so a bruise was expected. I look up to him, hoping to see a worried look of whenever I got hurt, but what I saw terrified me. He was smiling like he achieved something great, he was still touching my neck and when I whimpered, something light up in his eyes. I was scared of him, and.... He liked it.

"You are beautiful, and those marks makes you more adorable. I first noticed this when I left bite marks on you, though I wasn't sure back then but now I understand why I felt that way. The way these marks looks on your beautiful skin... and the noises you make... are just heavenly. I think red is your colour, love"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Killua wasn't a soft loving guy, I knew that. But the way his sadistic side was showing up, truly concerned me. But what else can I expect from the son of an assassin family to the very least... I kept my mouth shut. I didn't know what might trigger him to do what next. So keeping quiet was the safest option for me. Killua kissed my cheek and left me alone in the room. I walked towards the mirror to see the horrible state of myself. Red, almost turning blue bruises painted on my neck and the bite marks were also there. I put both my hands on the dressing table as I begin to cry. What did I do to deserve this?

Suddenly I saw a bundle of paper beside my hands. Those weren't here before, did Killua bring them back? I took the papers , it was my brother's profile, address everything. In the next paper bag, there was some photos of him. And the next thing that I saw terrified me to my core, it was a tiny box that contained a finger. I face went pale with fear as I dropped the papers and the box. I heard the door creaked opened and Killua came in. He saw me and smiled. "You are awake my love. Oh, and you found the surprise. So... did you like it?"

I was looking at him horrified "K-Killua, what did you do?"

Author's note : I'm back!  thanks for reading and the artwork for this picture at the top is from this instagram page named "Udon_6"
I tried to put external link but it didn't work I guess but I still would include the link here :


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