15. Runaway Rabbit

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Dark cloud covered the sky, wind blew strongly. Maybe it was about to rain or storm, Illumi wasn't sure which was the case. He moved sharply, his long hair ruffling along the wind. The boat was about to leave. The boatman looked at the disoriented young man as he shouted "Are you going to get in?"

Illumi looked at him "Yes" he said nonchalantly .

A brown haired kid was staring at him from distance. Illumi had caught his eye since the time he entered the boat, he finally gathered enough courage to go and talk to him. "Where are you going, big brother?"

He looked down at the kid and frowned "Why do you want to know"

The kid was taken aback as he tried to form his words, he looked down fidgeting his hands. Illumi sighed as he pushed his hair aside with one hand. "I'm going to find my rabbit"

The kid looked up at him, "You have a rabbit? Did you lose it?" he asked, curiosity shining through his eyes.

Illumi didn't say anything. He was annoyed.

"If you find it, give it what it wants, that way it won't run away from you"

Illumi looked at the kid. It encouraged the kid to speak further. "Our neighbor had a cat, she would always run away because they didn't gave her the foods she liked. She likes fish but they used to give her rice and meat. Then one day I saw her sitting on our garden and I gave her dried fish! And then she would come to me everyday for it! And she never runs away either, and if our neighbor tries to take her she comes back to me again!"

Illumi was so concentrated on his words that he didn't even noticed the kid stopping. He tugged on Illumi's clothes.

"W-Well I don't know what a rabbit likes though"

A grin plastered on Illumi's face. He ruffle's the kid's hair.

"Don't worry, I know what my rabbit wants"

y/n was standing in front a shop. A long black cloak covered her whole body. She pulled the hood over her head as she went inside. She was hungry. It was like first time teleporting for her and she didn't like the feeling. When she asked Alluka to teleport y/n to Yorknew city, she didn't think much. Her home was the first location that came to mind but she knew it would also be the first location they will search for. But her brother was there, what if they harm him? She needs to warn him. The shopkeeper glanced at her. "What phone did you want again?"

"I want the beatle-07, please"

She took one of Alluka's toy bird made of diamonds before leaving. She knew yorknew city would be best because she can auction it off here easily. She earned quite a lot from that. After buying the phone she called her brother.


"Brother, it me y/n"

He kept silent for a moment before screaming his lungs off. "Where the hell are you y/n? do you know much worried I was when you didn't send any letter to me? Then I found out you left the hunter exam the-"

"Brother I'm alright. But I don't have much time, someone kidnapped me and they might go there to find me. you have to get out of there now! Come to yorknew forest and then call me, I will let you know where I am" with that she hung up the phone. She couldn't waste his time and she couldn't let him know her full location, in case they got to him already.

She rented a hotel room. Her body giving in as soon as she laid down on the bed, darkness consumed her as she slid into the slumber of sleep.

Her eyes flutter open. But she can't see anything, neither can she move. What was happening? She looked at her side, was someone there? No someone was on the floor. Light beams fell into the figure, it was her brother, rather it was her brother's body. Lying on the floor, his guts were spilled out, on his own pool of blood. Grey eyes were still staring at her even though there wasn't any life left in them, as if accusing her of it's demise. She wanted to scream, she wanted to run towards it but she was frozen there like a huge rock was holding her down. It felt like someone was there, she tried to speak but it was no use, words refused to leave her mouth. Suddenly a figure was seen, it was coming closer, closer to y/n. it was a man... he came to y/n as his hands travelled through y/n's body, she could hear him breath beside her ear, whispering something.

"Did I not love you enough darling? Why did you leave me? It's all your fault"

His white hair was showing under the faint moonlight. He put his hand on y/n's throat . She gasped for air. Their lips connected, as he pressed his lips against her more. "It's all your fault"

y/n woke up in horror. Sweat dripping down her head, she was out of breath. She looked around her. But none of those horrible things presented themselves. She clutched her throbbing head. It was a dream. She was fine, her brother was fine.

She was walking down the road, she had to go to the forest. But she couldn't help but think someone was following her, was she just getting paranoid? Maybe all those things with Killua made her like this. She better get going before it's too late.

Auther's note : I'm thinking of making a one shot yandere book. it will be about :
various  yandere anime/fictional/ original charecters x reader book. I will be posting it as announcement on my profile too, so if you have any requests ( like, what charecters you want to see as a yandere for you in the one shot lol) comment on that announcement.

Also from now on I will be posting announcements on my profile about new books,  chapter update / delay and things like that cz I know y'all don't like to read such long ass boring author's note. So follow me so that u can get notified of my announcements in future. enjoy the chapter!

 Light to my darkness (yandere killua x reader) Where stories live. Discover now