13. Did you like it?

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"K-Killua what did you do?" I asked him horrified. But unlike mine, his expression was normal.

"What? You didn't like it? He asked me like he was genuinely curious. He went to fetch the box from the floor and looked at me "I thought it was beautiful"

"W-Whose finger is that? Why is it there with my brother's file, Killua, please tell me you didn't" all blood was drained from my face at this point and I was having trouble breathing.

Killua stared at me for solid 2 minutes before whipping his head up " Ahhh the finger, I forgot to take it out. Is that why you are so panicked? I almost thought you didn't like my surprise..."

I was frozen hearing him say things that didn't make any sense. "What are you talking about? What surprise?"

"Did you only saw the finger? Damn where is it... Ahh found it" he smiled brightly holding a shiny ring in his hand. I was still shocked. "W-What about the finger?"

"Well when I was doing my assignment I was looking for a ring to give you, I went to many shops but none of them were as beautiful as to suit you, so I got this ring specially made for you. But when I went to pick it up, that's when I saw this guy picking out the ring for his fiancé. He was from a rich family so he threatened the shopkeeper to get that ring cause apparently his fiancé liked that ring so much that she only wants that one. I told him that I had it specially made for my love, but the guy refused to give that to me even when I offered him good amount of money . I didn't say anything cause we were drawing people's attention. But when I got my assignment done... I tracked him down and well it was his weeding day. Not that it matters though... I got what I wanted"

I gasped, I was hoping that it wasn't what I was thinking... but the next words that came out of Killua's mouth had proven me right and scarring me for life in the process.

"It's a shame though that I had to kill her, only if both of them didn't try to attack me and start a nen fight"

"Stop talking!" I covered my ears as a fail attempt to deny everything that I was hearing.

"You can't blame me though, I tried to talk it out but she was just too stubborn, you should've seen

His face when I cut her finger off, he had his eyes widen as big like Illumi's"

He started laughing hysterically. Something was terribly wrong with this boy. He came closer to me and held his hand out. "Give me your hand"

I was still too shocked to do anything and just stood there like a statue. He grabbed my hand himself and put the ring on my finger. " I knew it, it looks beyond beautiful on you" he kissed my hand.

I took my hand away in disgust. "You killed her for this? What has gotten onto you!"

Killua started grinning, like it was the most funny thing he had heard in a while. "I am an assassin, my love. Does me killing people really surprise you that much?" he came closer to me, so close that our nose were almost touching. I could feel him breathing on my face, I turned my head away. He chuckled and grabbed my face so that I was looking at him. "I have killed hundreds of people and I don't regret it even for a bit. But it is true that I'm a little out of control since I met you. My emotions are getting the best of me, making me dangerous to even myself"

I closed my eyes hoping he would just let me go. But I shivered at the feeling of his lips on mine. It wasn't a passionate kiss like usual, it was a soft one full of care and gentleness. It was almost like he was afraid of hurting me.

"I love you, so much that it hurts me. I'm afraid that I will do something bad if I can't have you for myself. You bring the worst out of me, Love. You know that? No matter how many people I have killed, I was always rational, but I loose my sense of sanity when it comes to you, you make me like this, love. So won't you take responsibility for making me this way?"

He was shaking, he looked at me with desperate eyes, as if begging me to look at him. I almost felt bad for him. But there were no excuse for the things that he did.

"This isn't love, Killua. Hurting the one you love, keeping that person against their will isn't love"

He laughed. "Stubborn as always huh, you don't understand me, love. There are many kinds of love in this world, it's ok for this kind of love to exist too. You will understand with time, but don't take too much time, I'm a little bit impatient"

He took my hand caressing it, while looking at the ring. A smile was painted on his face. The slightly hurt expression that was there was nowhere to be seen, except there was a proud and satisfied expression.

"I was simply taking back what was rightfully mine. No one can take away what's mine. Same goes to you, you are mine too. I thought you understood that when I killed Gon? He tried to take you away from me"

My eyes began to tear up remembering Gon. But I couldn't let him see that. He is jealous about Gon and I don't want him getting angry again.

"AS I am yours"

Author's note : Get yourself a boyfriend like Killua who will not only get you the best ring but also the finger lol....

Here are 2 chapters in a row cause I disappeared for 2 months. I was extremely busy because of my exams...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter,  if you liked any part of my story please leave a vote.  see ya! ;)

 Light to my darkness (yandere killua x reader) Where stories live. Discover now