18. Expecting the unexpected

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"So, how did you got wrapped up in this mess?"

Hisoka's voice was low and calm, but that didn't bring the shackled girl any sense of comfort. Specially when she was in a standing position and her tied up hands being the only thing keeping her from falling down.

"Hey, don't faint on me now, you just woke up!"

"W-Why are you doing this to me?" she managed to utter.

But she didn't receive any answers, she could feel the intense glare from him instead.


Y/n fell down, she felt her hands, with a sigh of relief she looked up at Hisoka. He crouched down beside her grabbing her by her ponytail.

"I'm quite a curious person you see, and I seek thrill in following that curiosity. And if something... or someone attracts my interest then I try my best to pursue it."

He grabbed her and carried her bridal style, like she was something precious. Y/n didn't have any energy to protest so she stayed there quietly. Her eyes were heavy and she was going into slumber, but his voice didn't let her.

"I've known Illumi for many years, so naturally I knew Killua too. But never once did I saw them that down for anyone, for killua I can understand it's his first love and all, but seeing Illumi like that really surprised me to say the least..."

"What are you talking about? Seeing him like what?"

Hisoka halted. He looked at y/n with an even surprised look, because he was carrying her, their face were really close. He was looking directly at y/n and she saw his eyes up close, they were shinning with a feeling unknown to y/n, but judging by the time y/n spend with him, she was sure it wasn't good. And her concerns were proven right when Hisoka started laughing like a maniac, like he just found the most intriguing game ever.

"Ohhh this is going to be so good~"

He kissed her cheek "Sleep my dear, your pain has just started"

Illumi was walking down the road as a lot of thoughts occupied his mind, most of them was about y/n

He wasn't able to visit her for quite some time, Killua was being persistent and he didn't wanna raise suspicion. That boy is getting unstable day by day. He has become more like a feral animal rather than a human being. Not that Illumi minded though, if he goes mad it will be easier for Illumi to lock him away with his father's support. As soon as he entered through the door, a strong smell of iron tickled the tip to his nose. His stopped in his tracks. Hisoka was sitting in the chair, his hands and clothes bloody.

"What the hell happened here?"

"We played a game"

"Where's y/n?"

"Who knows?"

Illumi zoomed towards Hisoka knocking him off the chair. His face was unreadable.

"Tell me where she is"

Hisoka ignored Illumi's words as he stood up wiping the blood away from his mouth.

"You know, keeping her away from the knowledge of nen was a really petty move, you even kept her in dark about her real parents. You knew she would be the strongest if she trained and knew about nen. Her parents were both strong nen users... I always thought you had pride, but you kept this girl weak so that she would always stay at your and your brother's mercy? that's pathetic "

Bloodlust started oozing from Illumi, "What did you tell her?"

A smile painted on Hisoka's face, like a child seeing his favorite food.


There was nothing but silence from Illumi's end, this encouraged Hisoka to speak further.

"I also trained her, you can't blame me, you left her with me for more than two months and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere so I was bored, so at first I played with her instead, torturing her mentally, keeping her in terror. But then that got boring too so I trained her instead. Did you know that she's a manipulator? Just like her father, who you and your father killed all those years ago, well technically your father killed him, but you were there... and she her weapon is similar to him too"

"Tell me where she is before I kill you, and this time I mean it" at last Illumi spoke.

"But first answer me, I'm curious. Why are you doing this? Do you really want Killua's things so badly?" Hisoka said mockingly.

There was a dark aura imitating from Illumi, even Hisoka prepared himself in case he had to fight.

"Killua's? don't make me laugh"

"Well I wasn't trying to"

"From the very beginning , she belonged to me. Since the first day I was told about her, told that she was mine and her fate was sealed when I saw her again at the hunter exam"

Hisoka was practically grinning ear to ear at this point "But your brother loves her, would you take her away from him? That's going to be tough you know"

Illumi tilted his head as he said "She hates him more than ever, I made sure of that. I provoked Killua so that he would be rough with her, before killua arriving I brought up Alluka's name so that mom would talk about her in front of Killua, making y/n aware of her. So when y/n learned about her power of granting wishes she would make an escape plan. Of course I had to give her a hint of making Alluka emotionally weak first, or else she would get herself killed in the process of asking wishes. And my plan was successful, she escaped and Kill was furious than ever. So I was the only one she could rely on, as she should"

"Then why did you left her here with me? I'm the last person you should trust me with the love of your life"

Illumi smirked, "I knew you won't kill her, we had a deal after all. But I did know you would torture her, that would finally make her realize she is only safe with me, and when I return she would beg me to take her away from here, and from killua"

A smile of victory was on Hisoka's lips. Illumi looked at him suspiciously.

"Now give her to me"

"But the game has only started, wonder what would she choose?~"

4 hours earlier :

"Y-You are going to let me go?" Y/n couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, but you need to do something for me"

Here it is... but y/n took her chance as she asked "What is it?"

"You see, I have been training you for months now and all that you lack is the right motivation, so let me tell you the story of your real parents"

With each words he spoke y/n felt like her heart was crushing into a million pieces, she was having a hard time breathing. The Zoldycks killed her parents? How did Hisoka knew all this?

"Now I don't know why Illumi is so whipped for you, and that's what I wanna know, I never saw that man care for anyone like that, and you are so dense that you didn't even knew until I told you. So I will let you go, but only after I hear Illumi's reason. It would be fair to you too to hear the whole truth from his mouth. So you will be here behind this door, use zetsu to shut off your aura so that Illumi doesn't sense you. I will make him talk and when I say the word 'choose' only then can you leave. if you try to leave before that then I will cut you with my cards, and you know I don't miss"

Y/n was quiet. It was hard for her to understand all this, the truth about her parents, this family not only ruined her life but also killed her parents.

"And if I don't leave?"

Hisoka smiled brightly

"That's why I have been training you, my dear. So you must choose"


From here on, the ending you get will be depending on the choice you make :

1. Run Away.

2. Confront Him.

 Light to my darkness (yandere killua x reader) Where stories live. Discover now