20. "Confront him"

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Choice no.2 : Confront Him (Killua ending)

With every word he spoke made my blood boil with anger and hatred, not only did these two brothers ruined my life, his father also killed my parents. And the only friend I had was also taken from me. I can't just hide like that, not anymore. They have to pay for what they did. The gate was open but I looked away from it as I came out of my hiding. There was pure shock in Illumi's face seeing me here when he realized that I have heard everything he said.

"Y-You are here?" he said coming towards me, but failed to come near as I draw my knives out activating my nen and channeling my aura in them.

He halted in his tracks, he was processing the situation.

"You are not going to hurt me" he said as he motioned towards the knife but keeping his eyes on me.

"What makes you think that? After all that you have done... to me, to my parents, what makes you think that I will hesitate to kill you right here right now?"

Hisoka stood up "Well I got what I wanted to know, now you two solve it or kill each other whatever... see you later, or not" with that he walked out with a satisfied expression. But Illumi's face darkened. He was quiet for a moment before he started chucking.

"Do you really think you can take me out?" he said in a mocking tone. "with that?"

My mind went blank as I dashed towards him, safe to say I caught him off guard as he was surprise at my sudden attack, resulting me slashing his forearm a bit.

"Argh... that hurt my little rabbit" he was touching the wound lightly. "My mother has a mark like that on her neck, she got it when she was on a mission with my dad and the enemy used a hallucination nen so my father thought mom was one of the enemy... " he kept touching the wound like it was some kind of precious drawing. "But she never hid it, instead she wore it with pride because it was something she got from her love, I didn't understand it back then but now I do, I will keep it with pride too, it's the first thing that I got from you" he dug his nails into the cut making it deeper "I will not let it heal, my little rabbit, not until it's deep enough to leave a permanent scar"

"And the 2nd and last thing that you will get from me is death"

He smirked "Well can't let that happen, rabbit. We have to spend our whole life together. Now that won't be possible if I died now would it?" with that he launched at me but I managed to move in time.

How much time has passed? Half an hour? One hour? It's hard to say. Illumi definitely underestimated me for quite some time but as time passed by looked like he was putting his guard up. I was trained by Hisoka after all, he taught me the most gruesome ways to fight and killing was the goal of every one of them. Right when I thought that I had an opening on his vital points and went for it he dodged it as he went behind me and kicked behind my kneecap. I lost my balance and fell down with an agonizing pain, it's broke for sure. A smile of victory was on his face as he leaned down to my level.

I tried to attack him with the knives but he stepped on my hand knocking it off.

"You can't win, little rabbit. But I have to say you became quite good at this, you managed to injure me here and there. I would love to carry on but I'm a little short on time right now so..."

The last thing I saw was his fist zooming towards my face.

When I woke up I was lying on a bed wearing a white bathrobe. My whole body started to ache as I tried to sat up but I didn't give up. The pain was so intense I couldn't even distinguish where I was hurting, my whole body was on fire. Fighting with Illumi really did a number on me. Wait... I was fighting Illumi!

I finally started to see around and saw it was a plain white room. I tried to move but it's when I saw that both of my hands were handcuffed together, connecting by a chain to the bed. I started panicking and trying to get off the bed. An agonizing pain hit me on both of my legs as I felt it to my very core. I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor. I was getting blind by the pain, after a few moments when I could think clearly I looked at my legs and my left lag was bandaged around my kneecap. I remembered it's where Illumi had kicked, right before he knocked me out. But my other leg was also bandaged around my ankle

I was panicking once again, he caught me. This time I can't escape, he would never let me... My heart stopped beating for a moment when I heard the door creaked open. But my face went pale as I saw Killua standing there.

"What? Were you expecting someone else, darling?" his tone was both mocking and dark.

I froze, not being able to talk at all. But he kept talking as he came closer to me.

"Even if you were, he won't be coming. You see, I send him somewhere he can never return from"


"Oh right, you were knocked out. Do you want to know what happened? Well tell you what, you eat this food and while you're eating I will tell you, ok?"

I shook my head no. As soon as I did that I felt a intense stinging pain on my neck, my hands went to my neck and I felt a metal choker. I looked at Killua to see a small remote on his hand.

"That wasn't a question, darling. Or would you like another shock?"

That wasn't a question either as he pressed that remote once again.

"S-Stop it!"

"Will you eat?"


"Good girl, that's my lovely darling..."

I was eating the food Killua gave me as he stared at me the whole time. I motioned that I was done.

"Finish the whole food" he darkened his tone when there wasn't any attempt from me to eat again "Don't make me angry, love"

After I was done eating he sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap.

"Now, when Illumi knocked you out I attacked him from behind. I was there the whole time, I followed him because I had my doubts, I was there when he was telling all those things about your parents to Hisoka... and you. I was waiting for the right time, the safest way was to wait till he was exhausted and off guard. I would love to fight him face to face but with you there I couldn't take the risk, and hiding you all these time, trying to steal you away rom me, he also stabbed me in the back in a way right?" suddenly he started to giggle "So I stabbed him in the back too, literally"

He then started to laugh like a maniac "Not only that, I also gouged out both of his eyes! but Not before he saw who stabbed him first of course!. You should've seen that look on his face... it was so satisfying seeing him like that. And he got exactly what he deserved, he looked at you with those disgusting intentions with those eyes... "

His hold on me was getting tighter. "And if you look straight ahead, you can see those eyes of his in that jar..."

'I was frozen as an ice statue, and my eyes went where Killua had directed by reflex. There was a clear jar with liquid in it, two black eyeballs were floating around it. My breath hitched as I looked away. Killua caressed my neck with his hands "Don't look away, love. you should see what happens to whoever tries to take you away from me. And that jar isn't going anywhere, it will be right here" he brought his lips to my neck, kissing it lightly. His hands travelling up and down my back. "Do you think he's watching us through them? Well I damn hope he is, he needs to see who you belong to... who you make love to, the name you scream every night... I hope he burns in agony seeing you in my arms every time" with that he pushed his lips onto mine.

A/N: So this is it, I hope you like this chapter and thank you for reading this book. And those of you who read it while I was updating it real slow disappearing for months between each update... thank you guys so much! your patience and constant support really meant a lot, and I had so much fun reading your comments and it motivated me a lot!

Btw comment here if you guys want afterwards chapters for both Illumi and Killua's ending... like how Y/N is living after in each ending. I left it to mostly at reader's imagination but if you want I will write 2 afterward chapters for each ending....

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