10. Jealousy

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It's been a while since I saw Illumi. He said he was going to meet Hisoka. Well I'm not even surprised at this point that he is friends with someone like Hisoka. When I was busy thinking all these, I didn't even realized someone tapping me on the shoulder.

"What are you thinking so deeply about?" I heard a familiar voice speak.

"You are back" I said avoiding his question.

"And you look sad about that" Illumi said nonchalantly . he looked at me again which seemed to be for ages, then look down while he opened his mouth again. "Or were you thinking of Killua? Are you that much worried about him?". There was a faint tint of sadness in his eyes, if that was even possible. But it fade away as soon as I shook my head.

"I have been taken away and kept here without my will and I am being treated like a certain someone's property, so forgive me if I'm being a little nonchalant about things around me I didn't asked for in the first place!"

He looked down again. Was he smiling?

"Well I am glad to hear that you still think that way about all this. It would certainly be concerning if you suddenly started liking Killua or me. Though, some anticipation would've been nice. Well we got plenty of time to spend, so we can work on that" he said while grinning.

"I really hate both of you" I scoffed while walking away from him to go to my room.

"Well it's good that you hate him, but don't hate me so much"

It's almost dinner time. But I don't wanna see Illumi. I heard the phone ringing. Ah... the phone. I picked it and saw it was Killua. Of course it is, who else could it be.

"What took you so long to answer? Where were you?"

I stayed silent. It's not like I can go anywhere even if I wanted to, and he knew that pretty well.

"You tell me, you locked me up here, is there any loophole to escape through?"

"We talk after so long and all you have to offer me is this horrible attitude of yours? Maybe I went too soft on you after all this time. I've been through so much for you and all I want, is for you to love me a little bit. And you can't even do that? Maybe I should use some persuasion. Say, do you get curious about how your lovely brother is doing?"

My eyes widen at this. Why was he suddenly talking about my brother?

"What did you do to him? Hey! I swear to god if-"

"Calm down darling, I didn't do anything... yet. And I don't plan on doing anything harsh just yet, unless he tries to find you which is not gonna happen anytime soon. Ah, I will explain that later when I come back. But well, his wellbeing also depends on how you behave. And that terrible behavior doesn't help at all"

My anxiety was over the roof at this point. No, I can't risk my brother getting hurt.

"Please don't hurt him. I- didn't mean to be rude to you. I'm sorry"

Killua grinned, "Now that's more like it. Now tell me, how was your day? Did you miss me? Cause I sure as hell missed you"

I couldn't afford to make him angry. I don't know where he is. He could be right in front of my brother right now for all I know. So I will say things right now he wants to hear.

"I missed you too" I said while I dug my nails into my palm.


Killua chuckled as he took a deep breath. " I know that you're only saying that to make me happy, but it still makes my heart so happy hearing you say that. Even though I know you don't mean those words, I still want to hear you say sweet nothings to me. I will come back soon, darling. And you will mean those words someday. I know I'm being greedy right now but, can you tell me that you love me?"

My breathing stopped for a moment. But I have to say it.

"I love you"

"Say my name"

"I-I love you, Killua"

He took another deep breath, his voice was shaking at this point.

" I might get addicted to hearing it, but would it be such a bad thing? Your empty words have such effect on me, I wonder how would it feel to hear it when you truly mean those words... I love you too y/n, my love. I will see you soon"

With that he hung up the phone. I turned around as I heard the sound of glass shattering.

"Pardon me, it slipped out of my hand" Illumi said while his face was covered with his hair as he was leaning forward to pick up the broken glass. But his hand was already bleeding before he went to pick it up. Did he broke the glass with his hand?

"Your hand is bleeding, There are glass shreds dug in your hand, you should take it out, it must hurt"

Illumi looked at me as I flinched. I have never seen him looking that scary, I mean he was always kinda scary but right now he looked like he was gonna rip someone's heart out.

"I should, shouldn't I? though, I didn't think it was possible, but it does kinda hurts. Something I thought I was immune to, Something as trivial as emotions..."

What was he trying to say, he hurt his hand, not his head. He suddenly put his hand out towards me.


"There is a first aid kit on the upper shelf, treat my wound, it's you who have caused this pain that I'm not used to"

What the hell did I do? I swear to god, both of them brothers are loose in the head. But I can't just leave him like this, I have to stop the blood.

"Sit here, I will get the first aid kit"

 Light to my darkness (yandere killua x reader) Where stories live. Discover now