day 1

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Win's pov

Damn my luck 😕 bright follows me like a puppy around but just calls himself a gangster .

Well a gangster like him doesn't have any effect on me .

"Win" here he goes again .

"🙄 now what you want master bright"

"Ohh you finally called me master" he is wagging his tail like a happy doggo .

"Hmm" well who will tell this baby I was being sarcastic. 

"I want you to do my homework and bring it to me at my dorm room by 8 its 6 now " he bossed me .

"And why should I ?"

"Because I am your master "he retorted .

"As much as I remember the professor told you to help me not the other way around mister"

"You have to do it and if you dont I will punish you 😤 "

"Well I really want to see what your punishment looks like " i giggled  .

"You !!" He started running after me .


Short chapter

P.s chapters will continue to be short which is within 500 words

I hope  you like it .

Innocent but wild (brightwin)Where stories live. Discover now