Chapter 1 Oh, You've Fallen Down!

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It felt like I was falling for hours. There was no end in sight, and I couldn't figure out what was up or down. But just then, a flash of light exploded in my face yet again. My eyes spotted a faint color of gold before I passed out.


Meanwhile, standing at the edge of a bed of golden flowers, a monster named Asriel stood contemplating. This white-colored goat monster was at the end of his journey, waiting for the pacifist ending to finish and for Frisk to walk through the barrier that Asriel destroyed for them to have their happy ending.

His thoughts soon got disrupted as the game started to glitch out, having yet another human fall down in the underground, landing on the bed of the golden flowers. Asriel stumbled back, falling in utter shock; this wasn't part of the game's coding! Why and how did another human fall down? Asriel's mind went wild as he processed what had occurred before his eyes. He stood up and dusted off the dirt attached to his clothes before making his way over to the fallen child, looking at their features.

The fallen human was as if they were part of the game, 8-bits and all. However, it was nothing new for Asriel to see them in 8-bit form and didn't think anything of it as he slowly went for the human's shoulder to wake them up softly.

Before Asriel could even speak and try to wake them, He suddenly transformed into his God of Hyperdeath form by softly touching the shoulder of this human that fell before him. His eyes went wide, and his mouth was ajar as he jerked his hand back towards his body. A bit of fear engulfed his mind, trying not to freak out as he quickly changed back into his original form.

He thought to himself as he stared at the human passed out on the bed of flowers, "What in the world happened just then!?" He was at a loss for words but had the courage to wake the sleeping human up. "Hey, are you alright? Wake up." He spoke in almost a whisper, trying not to touch them to prevent the transformation from happening again.


I heard a soft voice and started to awaken, a bit dizzy while a headache swelled inside my skull. I began to open my eyes, first witnessing the color gold from the flowers that surrounded me. "Ugh.." I groaned from the fall, soon feeling the pain that started to intensify after fully waking up. I pull myself up slowly by my hands, sitting upright, holding my head from the pain. "Ugh, what happened?" I asked, not looking at who was speaking to me quite yet.

"You've fallen down. If it weren't for the bed of golden flowers here, you might have broken some bones." Asriel spoke, kneeling to look at my face more clearly.

I shook my head to ease the headache a little. I then managed to pull my hand off of my forehead, adjusting my eyes to view my new surroundings. After my eyes adjusted, before my eyes laid Asriel with a welcoming smile. "Whaa...wha???" I crawled out of the flower bed away from the character I knew genuinely well, only to press my back onto the dirt wall of the cave.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. My name is Asriel. What's yours?" His young voice echoed around the area.

"I.... I..." I stumbled over my words a bit, unsure if I should say my name to Asriel. "That's not important...right now...." I finally dared to finish my sentence by asking the goat boy, "Am I....dreaming?"

"Um...." He paused for a moment. It was a strange question, but he answered it regardless. "No? you're in the Underground, where you humans banished us monsters."

"Oh...." I started to hyperventilate soon after his reply while my heart started to race, feeling like it could burst out of my chest. 

Asriel could feel I was distraught, and he tried to calm me down the best he could, "It's okay, calm down and take deep breaths. You can tell me what happened when you are ready to talk."

Asriel was suspicious of me, I could tell. His eyes and body language said it all. While I took deep breaths to calm my nerves, I gazed around the hole I had fallen in. Everything was in vivid detail; it was strange seeing an 8-bit game in first-person. Like a threeDimensional world of Undertale was before my eyes. I lifted my hand in front of my face, only to become shocked at what I saw. I was in 8-bits, part of the game. I still had my original clothes and shoes on, but I was part of the game. I thought to myself before speaking aloud, "Should I tell Asriel who I am, the Player who guides Frisk and Chara on their adventures? I know Asriel knows this is a game, but I don't know if saying it outright will break the game or not."

Asriel noticed I was calming down. He could see that I was in deep thought due to the expressions planted on my face. "Are you calmed down enough to talk?"

I take a deep breath and sigh out a small, "Yes."

Without warning, he asked the many questions all at once that were within his thoughts, "Who are you? You're not from around here, are you? How did you fall down here, anyway?"

The questions hit me like a freight train, and I almost leaned back into the dirted wall again. "Well..." I thought about the wording before speaking, "There was this door that appeared before me that pulled me inside; then darkness surrounded me until a flash of white light lit up my fall. Before I passed out, I must have seen the gold from the flower bed here. And...well, here I am!"

Something was off, and Asriel knew it. A door, a flash of white light? It wasn't your typical fall down into the Underground. Asriel remarked, "Okay, that answers my third question; what about the others I've asked?" Asriel crossed his arms with a smirk glued to his face. He knew I was hiding something.

I sigh out in defeat, "Let's just say.... I'm a Player."

That word, "Player," was enough to get Asriel to gasp aloud. "You're kidding...."

I shook my head while lowering it, added with a long, drowned-out sigh.

"This is bad! No wonder why the game glitched out before you arrived! Not only that, when I tried to touch you, I turned into my adult form! How is this possible?! How did this even happen?!" Now Asriel started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, Asriel. We can figure this out together. I never intended to venture into your game. My computer turned on like it was sentient, waking me up and seeing the game playing on the screen. That's when the door formed in front of the computer, and I was the dumb one taking a closer look."

Asriel relaxed slightly, looking back at me with a deep stare. I could tell he wanted to ask me so many more questions, but he held it in and replied, "Clearly, you coming here isn't your fault. But the game brought you here for a reason. As for why I changed into my Hyperdeath form, maybe it's because of your determination?"  

I shook my head only to reply, "But I'm not from your world. I thought determination in this game is solely for saving and loading to try again?" My mind soon shifted from wonderment to fear as I started to panic. "Oh god...does that mean, If I die in the game, I die for real?!"

Asriel could not answer that question and only gave me a troubled look back at me. "Well, I can reassure you, the main monsters are with Frisk, waiting to leave the underground at the end of the game. So we won't interact with Toriel in the Ruins or the rest in Snowdin. As for the random monsters we'll encounter, I'll ensure they won't harm you."

"That makes sense. I remember saving the game at the end by having Frisk wait at the destroyed barrier." Asriel nodded calmly, presenting his hand out to me. I took his hand as he helped me up. I suddenly understood what he meant by my "determination," having him change into his other form. Asriel grew older with his purple delta rune symboled robe clothed around his fluffy body. "You weren't kidding about that."

"Yeah...It concerns me." He lets go rather quickly and changes back into a small kid again. "It normally takes all the souls in the Underground to achieve this form of mine. So maybe it's your soul causing this glitch to occur." Asriel shakes his head, changing the topic quickly, "Let's figure out how to get you home. No offense, but I don't like the fact that a Player has fallen into the game."

We both start to make our way to the next room, where Flowey would make his first appearance. "No offense taken, but how? I don't think anything in the game's code can bring a Player like myself back home."

"I may have an idea of what can help you out." He paused his sentence as we both walked into the next room. 

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