Chapter 10 Let's Give It Everything We've Got!

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The Demon pulled Gaster's strings as they blocked the door to unleash more attacks upon my guardians. I watched with anticipation in hopes my friends won't get hurt for my sake and successfully weaken them in the end.

Toriel dodged out of the way from the power thrown at the crowd, snatching Frisk just in time before the blast could reach them. Undyne flung more spears at her opponent, all the while, bones that Sans and Papyrus threw raced the spears. The monsters were making it a game on who could hit the target first. At least they were having fun while fighting, right?

The spears hit first as you heard Undyne's cheer loud and clear, "YEAH! Mine hit first! Fufufu!" She chuckled and stuck her tongue out at the two skeleton boys looking defeated.

"NYEH! NO FAIR UNDYNE, YOU THREW YOUR SPEARS FIRST!" Papyrus screeched back at her.

"You'll just have to throw harder next time!" Undyne retorted right back.

Before Sans could shout out to look out, the two get hit with a Gaster Blaster beam head-on. Sans dodged like a pro, and luckily Undyne and Papyrus could take a beating, getting up from the hit shortly after.

The Demon sputters out, "Pathetic," and moves on to another target, Toriel, and Frisk, not giving anyone a moment's rest.

"You three, stop playing around. Do not get distracted!" Toriel lectured as she repeatedly attacked the Demon with her fire magic, protecting Frisk that hid behind her.

All three apologized, "Sorry!" Leaping back into battle.

Alphys was shocked at how strong Toriel was. No wonder Asgore submitted to her whenever she snapped at him. Do not mess with a goat mom and her children, or she will set you on fire! Asgore could only dream of getting back together with his ex-wife. He still loved her, and the expression on his face said it all. If hearts could form above his head, they would.

Alphys interrupted his daydreams by coughing to get his attention, "A-Asgore. D-d-do you think we should step into battle?"

He pops back into reality and glances down at the scientist, "Only if the fight looks grim for us all. Until then, we wait."

Alphys could only nod while on edge, watching her girlfriend fight and get hit by the attacks from their attacker. If only Mattaton were here to help aid in the fight, she took her phone out to call for reinforcements, but all she heard was static on the other end of the line. Texting the others failed to go through as well. She suspected that the Demon must be preventing anyone from calling for help.

Suddenly, "BEHOLD! MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" Papyrus called aloud to have everyone back off witnessing him go into a battle stance.

A moment of silence loomed while the vents turned on and expelled a slight wind to sway his red cape. He stood back upright and nervously laughed, "SHOOT! THAT'S RIGHT! THAT ANNOYING DOG STOLE MY SPECIAL ATTACK BONES!"

With Papyrus being distracted and frozen in fear, a Gaster Blaster opened its mouth, discharging the beam at Papyrus. Undyne cried out, not having enough time to jump in to save her friend, "Papyrus, dodge!" But Papyrus was too slow to sprint out of the way in time.

Luckily for him, his brother teleported and pulled Papyrus off to the side, inches from getting struck by the beam. His flowing cape singed in the process. Papyrus broke out of his deer in headlight stance and wept out, "THANKS, BROTHER!"

"Now's not the time for breaks, Papyrus...." He pauses his sentence and raises his hand at the enemy. The Gaster Blaster shot out again, racing toward them. Sans formed a barrier around him and his brother, splitting the beam into sections while it hit the walls and the debris scattered within the room. Sans finishes his sentence, "Going on breaks is my job."

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