Chapter 8 The Truth Comes Out

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As the five in the True Lab dealt with Gaster, Sans kept trying to get the warp door to work for the four stuck at the upper level. It wasn't until Flowey used his attacks on Gaster that the warp door cooperated for Sans as they walked through one last time. After Gaster got struck by Flowey's attacks, the warp door started to work again for Sans, making it evident that Gaster was behind the failing warp attempts.

The door appeared before us as Sans, Papyrus, Asgore, and Toriel stepped out, only to be startled by all of us shouting, "Look out!"

Sans teleported his brother and the two Dreemurrs to safety as Gaster unleashed his power on the group. Thankfully, the Gaster Blaster missed everyone while we all got up, eluding the beams.

"W.D. Gaster?!" Sans shouted in surprise.

"What is going on?!" Toriel cried out shortly after. Asgore and Papyrus were speechless from the sudden greeting after stepping out of the warp. Toriel's motherly instinct rushed over to Frisk to keep them safe, lowering down to Frisk's level. "Are you alright, my child?" She scanned the child's body to ensure there were no injuries.

"I am, thanks to Undyne." They replied with a smile. Toriel patted Frisk's head before standing up to protect them.


Alphys's panicked voice snaps at everyone without stuttering her words, "Now is not the time for chatter; someone needs to distract Gaster while I get to the machine and figure out how to operate get the Player home!"

"Player?" Asgore, Toriel, and Papyrus speak simultaneously.

Sans sighs out, knowing someone would have spilled the beans sooner or later. He made it subtle, not making it too obvious and upset anyone. "Yes, the new human is what we call a Player."

Gaster interrupted Sans as he was willing to explain to the group of monsters ready to break their minds. "In other words, you all are just characters in a game titled Undertale, forced to never break from the code, stuck with the same dialogue our Creator has given us. This person is just one of the many Players who control Frisk and Chara—deciding everyone's fate as they govern your world like a puppet on strings—resetting your game many times over to see the different outcomes. They are the true villain, don't you agree?" Gaster snapped his fingers and finished his speech leaving a sinking feeling in everyone's chest, including mine.

All but Sans, Frisk, and Alphys looked over at me with disgust and started to feel dread overcome them. I couldn't speak at all. I was shocked that Gaster could even say that, being able to override Undertale by breaking the fourth wall more than the game allowed. But given that everyone had the freedom of speech, knowing now Gaster had manipulated the files made it more fathomable.

Gaster had given them visions to recall everything that had happened in the game's true ending and the genocide ending with one finger snap. The only three that the memories hadn't daunted were Frisk, Sans, and Alphys. But the fact that the flower Alphys experimented on was the prince filled her with guilt. Meanwhile, the rest of the monsters had difficulty adjusting to their newfound memories.

"Don't listen to him, guys!" Flowey defended me. "He's only trying to make you go mad!"

Toriel's face changed from disgust at first to utter shock, realizing her son was in the room with her. "A-Asriel?!" She bellowed out, staring down Flowey. Her eyes glazed over from tears suddenly clouding her vision.

Asgore was the next to break down, knowing the truth of all that had happened. "'ve come back!"

Both parents rushed over to Flowey. He jumped off my shoulders and pushed me away, not with disgust but in fear of what his parents would do to me after knowing the truth. Luckily, their minds were elsewhere, thanking God that Asriel wasn't dead.

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