Chapter 9 Behind The Mask

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Everyone understood their orders. We had no understanding as to why Gaster was acting out, watching him hold his head in agony, but it gave us more time to take formation. The moment Gaster got back to his senses, his first target became Frisk. I watched the battle within the large open room unfurl as Frisk dodged and moved swiftly to avoid Gaster's attacks. Frisk baited him over to Toriel, casting her fire element upon him. Shortly after, Sans and Papyrus didn't hesitate, unleashing their bone attacks in Gaster's direction. A cluster of bones spawned around Sans that circled his body, releasing them one at a time, while his brother, Papyrus, tried his best to help. Even though Papyrus's bone display wasn't as organized as his brother's, having them generate sporadically above him, I was shocked at his accuracy. It still did the job of striking Gaster.

Unfortunately for Sans, he was not allowed to use the Gaster Blaster in this particular battle. Gaster prohibited him from using such a weapon on him. He relied on his bone attacks to help weaken our opponent. Asgore and Undyne rushed over to Alphys, who anxiously worked on the machine, while Asriel stood by my side, defending me at all costs.

"I wish I could help in the battle. I feel helpless just watching." I whimper out, giving Asriel a look of guilt.

Asriel glanced over his shoulder and replied, "It would be best that you stay out of the fight, Player. Everyone is aiding you in getting home safe and sound. They can handle this."

I gave Asriel a quick nod before turning my attention to the fight. A mixture of fire magic, bones, and the Gaster blaster created by Gaster suddenly bounced off the laboratory walls. Some of the attacks were heading straight for Asriel and me. A dome-like shield appears, having the bones ricochet off it while the beams and fire dissolve after impacting the translucent rainbow barrier the prince created. Asgore, too had placed a shield over Undyne, Alphys, and the machine as the attacks hurled over their way.

Undyne became impatient, "Come on, Alphys, what's taking you so long to get that machine working!?"

"I'm s-s-sorry! I've never seen a machine like this b-before. It looks like a computer, but there are so many more buttons on it...." She cried out, pressing buttons on the controls hoping it would trigger something.

"I know you can do it, Alphys! After all, you are the royal scientist." Asgore lowered the barrier around them, allowing Undyne to throw a few spears at Gaster while they stood guard.

Undyne rose her hand above her head, creating a spear and tossing it at Gaster. Her aim was spot on, heading right for his chest. Having to be distracted by Toriel, Sans, and Papyrus's attacks, the spear struck Gaster. Undyne made a victory laugh, but this only enraged Gaster more, disappearing in mid-fight and reappearing before Undyne and Asgore, ready to unleash a Blaster inches away from the three.

Sans teleports and appears, floating above Gaster, casting an array of bones onto him. Sans used his levitation powers to whip Gaster away from the three. After the chaos subsided, he landed on his feet and lectured, "Keep out of this fight, Undyne. You're making our job harder. We need him to focus on the ones fighting him."

"Then send me into battle! I want to fight!" Undyne roared.

"If we need backup, I'll let ya know. As of right now, protect the one ya love." He hinted toward Alphys working hard on the machine. He disappears to head back to Toriel, Frisk, and Papyrus, that kept Gaster backed into a corner of the room.

Undyne turned to face Alphys working against the clock. She felt terrible for trying to rush her girlfriend, so she apologized, "I'm sorry, Alphys, for....making you rush."

"It's okay, Undyne," She added, still messing with the machine, not looking back at her.

Undyne then encouraged her, "Like Asgore said, you can do this!" Alphys turned to look at Undyne and smiled with a firm nod while blushing, only to turn back to finish her task.

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