Chapter 11 Saving The Game

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With the God of Hyperdeath right behind me and the rest behind him waiting with anticipation, I was about to turn the doorknob as my dominant hand gripped it tightly. Once the door was cracked open, is when it suddenly slammed shut.

All I remember noticing was a black sphere expanding around the machine and the door before getting thrown back from the immense energy. Asriel hugged me tightly, protecting my body from the impact on the wall that we hit. His body prevented me from getting injured, but he, unfortunately, fell unconscious. As for the others, the void's energy forced them back, scattering them around the room. It took them all a moment to understand what had just happened.

My eyes tried to adjust after the energy hit us head-on. My blurred vision faded, spotting Gaster guarding the door once again. He looked so exhausted, but the Demon forced his puppet to proceed, never letting me pass through that door. I could feel the Demon's anger, noticing the glowing red eyes scowling at me through Gaster's black eye sockets. I scan the room swiftly. Asgore, Toriel, Frisk, and Alphys stood in the distance to our left. To our right, Sans, Undyne, and Papyrus. Their body language showed how tired they were, still trying to rebound from that last attack.

I quickly turned to face Asriel, who was unresponsive. I pressed my palms to his shoulder and tried to shake him awake while I wept out, "Asriel, please, wake up!" Still, there was no response from him.

Gaster launched ever so closely towards Asriel and me while I was unaware, trying to wake Asriel. Gaster's speed increased, reaching out his hand, ready to snatch his target. Catching Asriel's eyes spring open, I gasp out abruptly, getting pushed off to the side. Asriel summons his unique Gaster Blaster in the shape of his appearance, allowing the beam to shoot out of the Blaster's mouth. Gaster managed to despawn after getting hit by the blast, only to form in the middle of the room, gradually backing away toward the machine.

Toriel protected Frisk, resting her paws softly on the child's shoulders as she assessed the situation and noticed her son struggling in the distance, "Asriel!" She dared not to move, observing their opponent, that kept a close eye on everyone.

Alphys whimpered out, standing up from being thrown back, "I can't believe they are s-still alive after all that!"

Asgore proclaimed, "This is Gaster who we are talking about here."

Having to possess the most formidable character within the Undertale game, the Demon was unstoppable. Gaster could take a lot of damage with his high Health Points; therefore, the attacks that everyone's been bestowing on Gaster only had scratched the surface.

The Demon scoffs, scanning the whole room watching everyone stand up and stepping closer. "Do you really think you can trounce us?"

Undyne screeches out, "Well, yeah! The good guys always win in the end, DUH!"

Papyrus shouted out soon after, "SHE'S TALKING ABOUT US! WE'RE THE GOOD GUYS!"

Sans retorted, hearing Undyne's remark, "But Gaster isn't bad. The real threat is controlling him."

With Asriel wounded, the group spared no time charging after Gaster and commenced the battle again. Gaster's presence stood by the machine. The Demon was not pleased with how close I was to going home.

Meanwhile, I tried to get Asriel Dreemurr to stand while pulling on his arm. I was holding in my tears while I tried to encourage him. "Come on, Asriel, you gotta get up!"

His form suddenly changed into his young prince form as I lost the grip on his arm. I then witnessed him change again into Flowey. He was tremendously weak and had no more energy to protect me. "I'm sorry, Player. It'll take some time for me to heal from this." Flowey whimpered out, wilting his stem and petals in defeat.

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