Chapter 6 The Walk To The Lab

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Our journey to the laboratory began having the monsters and Frisk following me to Hotland while I carried Flowey in the planter. Toriel held onto Frisk's hand while they walked beside me on the left while Sans and Papyrus were to my right. Undyne, Alphys, and Asgore followed behind while we left Snowdin Town and into Waterfall.

With Frisk walking next to me, I remembered I had the key in my pocket, abruptly pulling it out and stopping to hand it to them. "Here, Frisk, thanks for letting me borrow the key, but I won't be needing it any longer."

Frisk takes the key softly, "Oh yeah...." They responded, suddenly remembering what Flowey had taken from them. "Thanks."

"So, my child," Toriel was the first to make conversation while we started our walk. "Alphys said that your home is farther away from where we are going, is it not?"

"You could say that, yes." I ended the conversation there, but that didn't satisfy Toriel as she wanted more details.

She responds, "Why can you not come along with us on our journey outside of the shattered barrier? I feel uneasy having you go home all alone. It will not bother me to escort you all the way home, even if it is far away from the human city."

Bless Toriel's heart, thinking that my home was more out in the far-off country and not in the city where they would end up after leaving the Underground. I give her a sweet smile, "But I won't be alone."

Sans added, "Yeah, we're escorting them there as we speak. The kid isn't alone."

Asgore called out from behind, "So you are coming with us through the barrier, then?"

"" I try to think of a way to explain without sounding suspicious.

Alphys saw my troubled face. So helped by stepping in to finish my sentence, "There's a machine in my lab that will help the h-human get back home. It's hard to explain, but just think of the device as a type of transport th-that will send them back home safe and sound."


Sans answered his brother's question, "No, Papyrus, our only way out is through the barrier."


Undyne slapped Alphys softly on the back, "Fufufu, I get it! So they will be home right away with the help of the machine you made, right Alphys?"

"Correct!" Alphys retorted, "But...I didn't make the machine."

"Wait....what?" I stopped suddenly, turning my head over to Alphys after she finished that last comment. "Who made the machine then?"

"I-I'm not sure. I saw it a few days ago, h-hidden under some sheets."

"Then how do you know it'll bring me back home?" My body started to quiver with worry.

"Not sure, b-but something is telling me it'll help you somehow." Alphys started to laugh nervously, seeing my expression change to dread.

"If Alphys says it will help you get home, it will!" Undyne shouted out as she pushed us to walk along the trail again. Undyne witnessed Alphys doubting herself as she heard her girlfriend mumble under her breath. She tried to lighten the conversation, "So, huh....human, back at the inn, you said you enjoy watching anime. What kind do you like?" This question made Alphys perk up, her face glowing with interest.

"Oh, yes. I watch many types of anime and read manga!"

I began to entertain the group with stories about anime shows I've seen. It was a safe conversation to talk about with the group. I would hate to say anything that could cause any suspicions. Flowey fell asleep in the planter from boredom; Toriel, while holding Frisk's hand, walked along beside Sans telling jokes quietly to one another, while Asgore, Undyne, and Alphys listened intently to some of the anime stories that I know. Papyrus was yawning from the topic but listened, being a good friend.

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