Chapter 42

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The next few days led with Bailey in constant pain. She winced at everything that was too loud, or even when the lights were too bright. Yet she still managed to squeeze my hand as if things were all okay.

"Alright Bailey, we gotta go to the hospital. I know you don't want to, but they'll help lessen the pain," her dad said after the second night of him staying at our apartment. He wanted to be there as much as he could. It hurt him to not be by Bailey's side.

Bailey gave me a soft frown as I lifted her into my arms, but she was too weak to fight it. I knew she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home, but we both knew they would numb the pain a little bit.

I sat in the backseat with her, she was still curled up on my lap with her head placed on my chest. Bailey's dad had already called Dr. Chase so when we got there, the room was ready and I was soon placing Bailey into a hospital bed.

"I know you don't like it here but.. It's gonna be alright," I mumbled before pressing a kiss to her forehead as they stuck a needle into her arm.

They had her on some medicine that had her sleep often, that way she couldn't feel the pressure building in her head. But even though her eyes were closed and conversation wasn't happening between us, I still sat next to her holding her hand.

Everyone came by as much as they could. Michael, Ashton, Calum, Casey, Ally, and everyone's parents. If she was awake, they would only get a few words out of her but everyone still came by.

I walked back up to the room after grabbing some food from panda express with the boys. When I came into the room, her dad was sitting in the chair by the window, a newspaper in hand. I took my usual seat next to Bailey and held her hand as I always did. I pushed a kiss to her hand and held it tight.

I was playing on my phone half an hour later, her hand still in mine when I noticed the machine start to have a different beeping pattern. It wasn't crazy and loud like you see in the movies where all the doctors flooded in yelling crazy things.. instead it just began to suddenly drop. It became slower and slower.

The doctors rushed in and I watched the chaos. They were saying things I didn't understand and I backed up slowly, making sure I was out of their way. I walked through the door and watched from the window on the door. I couldn't handle to hear all the medical terms, my head hurt.

The doctors exchanged looks and I shut my eyes tightly, turning my back to the room and I bit the inside of my cheek.

A few minutes later her dad appeared from the room, "Luke," he said softly and I looked up to meet his eyes.

He just started to nod before taking in a deep breath, his eyes becoming fresh with water. It was all over.

A whimper escaped my mouth and I slapped my hand over it, squeezing my eyes shut hard before letting all the tears flow. I slid down the wall outside of her room and sat on the floor. At one point Dr. Chase came out and bent down next to me, placing his strong hand on my shoulder for a brief moment.

After I sobbed for a few minutes more, I stood up and glanced into the room. Her dad was on the phone walking frantically back and forth, and the doctors were all hovering Bailey.. removing the chords from her.

I picked up my phone before placing it to my ear. "Mom," I choked out, ignoring the fact that my voice broke.

With that she knew.

"Luke. Don't move, i'm coming."

I sat in the waiting room chair with my elbows leaning on my knees and my head in my hands. I didn't know what to do or what to think. How do you possibly wrap your head around the fact that the love of your life is gone?

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