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"What do you mean you can't do anything?!" I shouted at the police officers, running my hands through my hair.

"Sir. She left. She was not kidnapped, or forcefully removed. She left you. I'm sorry but that's the truth. It's not our job to find ex-girlfriends."

I shook my head, "You don't understand. She wouldn't do this. She wouldn't leave. Something happened and she is obviously not in the right state of mind! We need to do something!"

I felt Eddie put his hand on my shoulder, "Thank you officers. Wilmer, they can't do anything. I know this hard but-"

I shook my head, "I don't think you understand Eddie." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small black box, "I was going to ask you for permission.." I opened the box to reveal the large diamond ring I'd spent hours trying to find and make it perfect, "I was going to ask Demi to marry me.'

Dianna's hand clapped over her mouth and Eddie looked stunned, "She will come back Wilmer. She will. Have faith Wilmer."

I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands, "She knew last night that she was leaving today. She kept going on about how she wanted to remember us, and just wanted to be with me with no distractions. I knew something was off. I can't believe this. She actually left me. She's gone."

Dianna sat down and rubbed my back, "You don't know that. She probably just needed space, you know how she gets. Maybe she saw the ring and had a freak out moment. It's all gonna be okay Wilmer-"

"What happened?!" Phil, Demi's manager, walked into the house without knocking, obviously alarmed.

"Demi's gone." I said miserably. "She left."

He read over the note that Eddie handed him quickly, "That's it?! She just left?!" I nodded and Phil shook his head, "Something must've happened. Did you guys have a fight or something?"

I shook my head, "Last night... All she wanted to do was be with me. I was going to ask her to marry me."

Phil rubbed his face, "Did she relapse?"

I glared at him but Dianna touched my shoulder, "It's a legitimate question. She could've been dealing with something and slipped up then felt ashamed."

I shook my head, "I would've noticed. When she's having bad thoughts she feels different. It's like she's uncomfortable being in my arms. I've been with her long enough to know when things like that happen."

Phil shook his head, "Something must've scared her off. she had to have found something out.. But what? She's on her break! She doesn't have appearances until mid-summer! Oh my God. She has so many contracts to meet. What are we gonna do?! Those are worth thousands, millions!"

I stood up abruptly, walking towards Phil with an angry expression as I got in his face, "The woman I love just left me. Eddie and Dianna have no idea where their daughter went and Demi's fans are clueless right now. So forgive me if your God damned contracts are the least of my worries right now!" I spat, "Now get the hell out of my house!"



I looked around the spacious apartment that I'd just bought. I loved it here, but all I could think about was how much I missed Wilmer and wished he was here. He would love Greece, and the culture that it holds here. Is at down on the couch and checked my phone, gently rubbing my hand over my stomach. Twitter was normal, apart from the dozens of DM's I got from my parents and Wilmer. My fans didn't realize what was going on, my management hadn't realized a statement yet so they were probably banking on my return. I'd brought myself to do this and I had to stick it through. I had to be a good mother. My child doesn't deserve the brutality of growing up in the public eye. I couldn't imagine having him or her grow up like I did, always wondering who was watching and scared to make mistakes. I wanted my son or daughter to be able to make the necessary mistakes

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