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My due date is just around the corner and I'm scared to death. I barely leave the house anymore, and one of the other renters drops of clothes for me. We've gotten really close. I know it's bad, because I risk her telling everyone where I am, but I needed someone to vent to about my relationship, and all around life choices. There was a knock on the door when, and I walked over, peeking through the keyhole. I gasped and covered my mouth in horror as I saw Wilmer standing there. Unshaved and looking a lot like the crazies in town, I was overcome with guilt at his obvious grief.

"Can I help you?" I looked through the keyhole again to see my friend, Holly, standing there, my groceries in her arms.

"Uhm yeah, do you know who lives here?"

Holly scrunched up her face, "Uh yeah, me."

I breathed out a sigh of relief, admiring her acting skills. Wilmer sighed too, "Oh, sorry. I was just asking around the building if anyone has seen a friend of mine.. Her name is Demi?" He held up a picture of me and Holly pretended to examine it.

"I can't say that I know her. I'm sorry."

He nodded sadly and I wanted to fling open he door and kiss him with everything I had. But, I lost the right to do that when I walked out of his life forever.

"That's okay. I'm not sure I do either anymore." He smiled, "Well I'll be out of your hair soon. Got a plane to catch."

Holly smiled, "It was nice to meet you, and I hope you find her."

Wilmer nodded and looked at the picture, "I do too. She's everything to me."

Wilmer left and Holly walked in, looking at me with a sympathetic expression.

"Demi I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "No,, I'm glad you showed up when you did. I was seconds away from opening the door and going back with him."

Holly sighed, "Demi I know this isn't what you want to hear, but would that really be a bad thing? I mean obviously both of you are hurting, a lot. Would he really hate you for getting pregnant?"

I shook my head, "I can't. We're not married. He doesn't deserve to be in a relationship like ours. He deserves one that can make him just as happy as he makes the other person. He deserves someone that he doesn't have to worry about them drinking, or purging, or cutting. He shouldn't have to coach that person through a meal when they're having a bad day, or hold them through an anxiety attack. H shouldn't have to deal with someone who is bipolar and needs to take medication every single morning just to feel normal! He deserves someone who can give him their time and love! Not second to their careers! He deserves..." My voice broke as my eyes filled with tears, "He deserves everything I'm not, and everything I can't give him."

She sighed as I breathed heavily, "Demi I know thats not what you really think but-"

I gasped as a sharp pain went though my abdomen and a wetness spread between my legs, "Holly." I whispered, "My fucking water just broke."

She jumped up, "Oh shit! Oh shit! Let's go!"

I nodded and pushed myself up, "I need to shower first. I look like shit, I feel like shit, and now I have shit all over me."

She nodded and I went into the bathroom, stripping down and stepping into the shower. The hot water over my muscles felt amazing and it wasn't long before Holly was pounding on the door. "Demi it's been ten minutes! We need to leave unless you wanna have this baby in the car!"

I sighed and looked down at my huge belly, "It's time baby girl."


It took six hours, forty-seven minutes, and approximately nine doctors and nurses, but finally my daughter was brought into the world, screaming bloody murder the entire way out. They cleaned her up and I couldn't stop the tears that fell as I looked down at her. The second my eyes met her face, something inside of me clicked. All of this made sense, why I ran, why I had to0 stay away. I wanted my daughter to have a happy and normal life. She was absolutely beautiful, a little dimple in her chin, her skin tanned a bit with dark hair. With all the screaming she did when she was out, I knew she had my lungs.

"Would you like me to call anyone for you?"

I smiled up at the doctor, "Can you just bring Holly Burns in? I'd like the make the phone call myself."

He nodded and handed me my phone, "Oh course."

Once he left I took a deep breathe and dialed Wilmer's number. While I looked down at our newborn daughter, I needed to hear his voice.


I sniffled, stroking Mia's cheek as I heard his voice, "Wilmer?"

I heard his breath catch, "Demi?!"

"Don't freak out, or beg me to come back. I just... I needed to hear your voice. I needed you."

He was quiet for a moment, "What do you need to me to do?"

I bit my lip, "I want you to tell me that you love me, and that you don't hate me for what I did to you."

He chuckled, "I love you with everything I have, and I don't want you to ever think that I don't. And no, I could never hate you. Ever. I'll never stop loving you."

I took a shuddering breath and and hit the 'end' button before setting the phone aside as I looked down at Mia.

"I love you too Wilmer."


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