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Six months along, and my feelings about missing Wilmer and my guilt for taking away these maternal experiences hasn't done anything but grow. At every appointment, every kick, every milestone in my pregnancy I wondered about where he was or what his reaction would be when he felt her kick, or pressed her tiny hand on my stomach. I was getting depressed, but kept going for the sake of my daughter, Wilmer and I had talked about kids, and even admitted our favorite names to each other. He wanted Isabella or Mia if it was a girl, so I wanted to honor just that. She would have my last name, hyphenated with Wilmer's. As much as I wanted to forget all about him, my daughter would always be the piece of him that I could hold onto.



I couldn't do this anymore. I needed to go and find her. Anything is better than just sitting in this house all day, where everywhere I look I'm reminded of Demi. Even if she didn't want me anymore, I had to make sure she's okay, and that she's safe, I don't know what to do without her. She was my whole world, everything I think about. She was supposed so be my person, for the rest of our lives.



I was out shopping one day, for groceries, when I saw it. A people magazine with Wilmer's face on it, the headline reading; "How he was left alone and still begs Demi to come back to him." I grabbed all of the copies in the store and looked around, my paranoia getting the best of me as I paid for everything and practically ran to my apartment, my heart beating wildly. Could someone here recognize me? The though hadn't crossed my mind. I knew that if Wilmer found out I was here he would come and wouldn't stop until he searched every inch of this island. He can't find me.


I was on my phone later that day, looking through gossip sites to see if any word of my being here had crossed the headlines, but all of the articles about me were saying that there had to be a reason I left, others were calling me a cold-hearted bitch for leaving Wilmer like this. Maybe they're right, maybe I am a cold-hearted bitch who doesn't think about anyone but myself. But even if they are right I can't give in.

As I scanned the screen I saw a quote they used from my mom, "Of course we want her to come home, but right now I just want to know if she's okay. If she's safe. That's all I want to know."

I sighed, the guilt getting the best of me as I slowly dialed my mom's number. It rang twice, and I held my breath as she picked up.


I gulped, "Mom?"

There was a clatter,and I knew she had dropped the phone, "Demi?! Oh my God it's Demi! Baby where are you?! What happened?!"

I found tears coming to my eyes as I heard the worry in her voice, "I'm okay mom. I can't tell you, but I just wanted to tell you I'm ok-"

"DEMI?!" I covered my mouth in horror as Wilmer's voice came through the phone, "Demi, baby come home. I'm begging you. I need you Demi."

I could hear his voice cracking and I let out a sob, "I'm so sorry Wilmer."

"No! Don't say that! Just come back to me. Please. Whatever this is, whatever you've done, or haven't done, we'll get through it. Please, I love you Hermosa."

I wiped at my eyes, "I love you too Wilmer... So much. But I can't, I'm so sorry."

I heard him let out a sob and abruptly hung up, not wanting to cause him anymore pain. The phone call was a mistake, and I certainly would not be doing that again.


I hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch, trying to fight the tears as I rubbed my face, "She has to come home. She said she loves me. She has to come back." Eddie and Dianna stared at me with sympathetic expressions as I broke down in front of them, "I have to find her. I need her in my life. I need her. She's my person. I'm supposed to marry her. None of this was in our plans. I mean... we were supposed to be married, and then start out lives together, have kids, be a family. And now, all of that's gone. I can't just move on from that! I can't! I need her!"

Eddie knelt beside me, "I know Wilmer, we lost her too. But you need to be strong. Be strong right now and have faith that she'll come back to you. I've seen the way you look at her, and the way she looks right back, and it's something amazing that I've never seen before. She needs you just as much as you need her. That's where you put your faith. Remember the love you two shared together. That's how you stay positive. That's how you be strong and know that one day she'll come back to you."

I looked up at him, "I hope you're right."


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