Death and Resurection

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This story starts and ends with my a death. I was only 14 when it first happened. I remember walking down the street, when I heard a loud bang. A deep pain entered my chest I screamed and fell back onto the cold hard concrete. I watched as my life flashed before me.

I knew I was dead. Shot dead by some unknown assassin.

Then I opened my eyes I was alive. I sat up pain rippled through my body. I gasped and fell back to the ground. A voice cried out in pain.

"Not so fast!" The same voice shouted. Slowly I turned my head to the side to see a boy with bright red hair sitting next to me. He smiled.

"So your finally awake." I look at him, my eyes widening. His eyes was a scary colour of blue  golden flecks danced through his iris.

"Am I alive?" I ask still in severe shock. He shook his head.

I looked around I knew I was still on the same street as I was earlier.

"Am I ghost then?" I say getting confused. He laughs a loud strong laugh.

"Getting closer." He pauses his face turns serious  "Your a demon."

He couldn't seriously expect me to believe him, what did he think I was, stupid? I pull myself off the ground and start to walk home.

"Wait!" He shouted "Where do you think you're going?" I ignore him and start walking home.

The last thing I expected, was that I would see him the very next day.


Authors Note :

Hey guy, I just got an amazing editor HeyitsMelMel and she is going to start doing editors notes so hopefully the book will make sense. She is probably gonna edit this note too, so yay it might make more sense !

Thanks for reading!!!! Kierrin


Editors Note :

Aloha wattpaders ! It Heyitsmelmel here ! I'm not going to write a long speech because I don't have the time and cause it would be really boring. I just want to say thanks Kierrin for letting me edit ALL your books :) x A million. Also THANK YOU for reading this lovely book and see you later !

x Mel Mel x

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