It Begins

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I stand in front of the mirror looking at myself. My light brown hair which had been pulled into a bun was starting to fall into my eyes. My pale blue eyes showed worry.

I sighed and sat cross legged on my bed. Then my bed moves. I tensed up. Was someone under my bed? Quietly I start to lean over to look under. Just then something rolls out from under my bed and jumps off from the floor


I blink my eyes a couple of times and there he was, still standing in front of me. Jona.

"What the hell!" I shout angrily "What are you doing in my room?" He looks at me intensely.

"We need to go."

He grabs my hand and drags me outside. When we get to the the park down the road he lets go.

"We're here." He says with a serious look on his face.

"What?" I ask. He points at something in the distance. I see two big blobs, one was a big bright one and the other a smaller black one.

"What is it?" I turn to Jona

"It's a demon attacking your friend,Mattie." My eyes go wide, Mattie? Before I can help us I sprint off.

"Mattie!" I scream as soon as he's in hearing distance. He turns to me, his eyes widen.

"Ally!" He shouts.

"Get out of here it's dangerous!" Jona calling me back. I shake my head at him.

"It wants me doesn't it, Jona?" Jona nods.

"It smelt your presence on Mattie and attacked him". My eyes go wide, I knew it.

"Why didn't it come straight to me?" Jona laughs at my question.

"Cause it's scared of me." 

Scared of Jona? I glanced at Mattie. The big black creature was looking at him like a meal. Then it grabs him.

"Crap!" I jump in shock. "Jona, do something!". His goofy face quickly changes into a serious one he nods and starts to run to me. Once behind me he jabs his finger into my back.

I scream in pain. Then I see myself. I wasn't looking at myself through my eyes, but Jona's.

I watch as my eyes go red. My brunette hair goes longer. I grow taller and taller. While my muscles grow bigger and bigger. A devilish grin crosses my face.

Then I was back in my body and looking at Mattie and the demon

"Ally" Mattie whispers. I felt powerful. I laugh but all that comes out is growl.

"So it's true," a scary voice says. A voice that didn't belong to me.

"I really am a demon."


Editor's Note : Hello to you that's reading this. I saw that The Necromancer was #498 in Paranormal ! That's great, right? I think it is ! Great job Kierrin, pat yourself on the back ! 

x Mel Mel x 

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