The Necromancer

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I hit it hard with the palm of my hand to  turn it off. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room.

Was it all just a bad dream? No, that was way too scary to be a dream. Maybe a nightmare.

 I frown and get up out of bed. As I walk into the bathroom I see that the sink is filled with red water which looks like blood. Proof that it did happen. I walked over and pull out my school uniform. It was wet but free of blood. I sighed and hanged it on the clothes horse. After putting on my spare uniform I glanced at my clock. 15 minutes till school started I was going to be late! After flying the stair three steps at a time, I locked the door and grab my bike and pedalled as fast as I can.

I collapse at my desk. I had just made it with minutes to spare.

"Tut tut tut, late again!' says a voice beside me. I turn to see Mattie sitting at his desk next to mine.

"Oh, hey!" I say with a smile. He laughs.

"Did you hear?" Another voice says. I turn to Dave.

"There's going to be a transfer student and he's in our class!"

"Wow really?" I say excitedly. He nods just as the bell rings. Mr Yuki our homeroom teacher walks in.

"Today we have a new transfer student." He says a bored look on his face. He turns to the open class room door. "Come in and introduce your self." Then he walks in.

My eyes go wide my heartbeat speeds up "no" I whisper

The boy from last night. I tensed up. What was he doing here? Was it because of me? He looks me directly in the eye.

"Hi I'm Jona Powell." He says with a smirk. Mattie looks between me and him and turns to me.

"Do you know that guy?" He whispers towards me. I shake my head violently.

"Hell no!" I hiss

"You can choose where you sit, as you see there are a few spare seats". My eyes go wide and turn to the spare desk next to mine. He had me right where he wanted me.

"I think I'll sit here" he says as he plops in the seat next to me I tense up. Mr Yuki turns to the blackboard and starts class.

I manage to sit tight ignoring Jona's constant stares. The lunch bell rings, I jump out of my seat and start sprinting to door.

"Wait!" He shouts after me. I take a deep breath and turn to him.

"Can we not have this conversation?" I ask. Behind him, Mattie and Dave throw me confused looks.

"Please." he says with his eyes going wide. I look at him for a minute before giving up.

"Fine." I sigh

He walks me out of the class with a proud look on his face.

"I know what you're going to say." I scolded, as soon as we were half way down the hall "I'm not a demon!" He gives me the serious look again

"Yes, you are." Is all he says. What is this guy's problem?

"Listen to me." I warned, putting my hands on his shoulders "You can't just go around calling random girls demons!" 

"But-" He starts but he cuts himself off. Quickly a look of fear crosses his face.

That face made me scared too.

If he was scared. Then that meant something was terribly wrong.


Author's Note:  lol I suck at setting out books and spelling. Mel Mel's like to me yesterday "When someone talks aren't you meant to do a new line?" so yeah I didn't know that........... my u key isn't working, so there might be a few missing u's randomly all over the place anyways gtg talk to you guys later.


Editors note : Hey everyone ! Just edited and I'm off now cause it's getting late. So see you all tomorrow :) and this chapter had been through a lot of editing heehee

x Mel Mel x

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