The Bike Ride

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After Mattie’s explosion at Jona, Mr. Yuki walked in. Jona sits on the other side of me. Jona, I felt my face go even redder than before. I keep on seeing it in my head. Jona pulling me towards him then kissing me.

I shake my head. He only did it to change me back. But before I changed back by myself. Did he do it purposely or, was it the only way?

“Ally!” An angry voice shouts, disturbing my thoughts. I look up to see Mr. Yuki glaring down at me “Yes?” Laughs ring through the classroom. “Are you here or not?” My face goes red, he was doing roll. “Here” I reply.

He continues with the roll. “Is something wrong?” Jona asks. I shake my head violently giving me a headache. “You su-“ he cuts himself off “here”.

I turn away looking past Mattie and Dave I stare out the window. I stare at the tree. The branches shuffle reveling a face.


She glares at me. Her purples eyes flashing. “She’s still here?” Jona whispers over my shoulder. I nod “Looks like it”. She drops the branch concealing her face. “We’ll deal with her later”. He replies and turns away.

When the bell rings Jona jumps out of his seat and runs away. “Hey wait up!” I call after him.

I find him standing beneath the tree “Get down now!” he calls up. The tree rustles and she lands on the ground . She gets up from her crouch “You killed them” she hisses. “How did you do it brother?”Brother I stop did she just call Jona brother.

“Yes she did call me brother”.  I turn to him “Why?” He stand there silent. A gust of wind blows his hair. He turns to me a serious look on his face. “Because she is my sister”. Before I can help myself. I burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, it’s just you looked so funny, a serious look on a goofy face”. He rolls his eyes.

I turn back to Midnight. She was gone. “Crap!” Jona shouts. He turns to me. “It’s all YOUR fault, YOU let her get away.”

“I’m sorry” I whisper looking at the ground. He wipes his eyes “No, it’s not your fault”. I look p from the ground.

“I let myself get distracted”. He sighs and turns away “I’m going to find her”.

He walks off. The bell rings and I hurry back to class. Jona wasn’t there. “Where’d you go?” Dave hisses to me. “Bathroom.” I answer.

“Where’s Jona?” I shrug “Why should I know?”.

He looks at me confused. I turn and look at Jona’s seat. Empty.

By the end of the day Jona still hadn’t shown up. I walk off when I reach the school gate, a voice calls my name.

“Ally!’  I stop. Jona?  I turn around a  giant smile on my face. Standing there was Mattie. “Oh it’s you”. I turn around and start to walk away.

“Who were you expecting?” He questions. “Not you” I reply walking off. He pulls up in front of me on a his bike. “Want a ride?” I smirk. “Sure, have nothing else to do”.

I hop on the back wheel covering. He pedals off. “So are you and Jona dating?” I tense up and shake my head “No, why?”

Did he know that me and Jona kissed? “Just wondering”. We ride in silence for a couple of minutes then he stops.

“Ally?” he asks. “Yeah Mattie?” He turns to look at me, he licks his lips a few times. Opens and closes his mouth then finally he talks.

“Do you want to go out sometimes as, like a date?”

My eyes go wide. This has to be one of his stupid jokes. I’ll just play along.

“Sure”. He smiles. “Cool” and turns back around. He stops outside my house. “Who’s that?” Mattie asks.

I look at the window by the front door to see Midnight standing there. She smirks at me. “Uhhh, just one of my cousins” I reply my speech slightly blurred.

“O.K. I’ll call you later to set up the date”. I hop off the bike and hurry inside. I slam the door behind me. “Welcome home” Midnight purrs still with that big smirk on her face.

I grab by the throat and throw her to the wall. “What the hell are you doing here.” Her smirk disappears.

“Jona!” She chokes out. Jona sprints into the room a wild look on his face. “Let go!” he cries. I drop her and she falls to the ground with a small thump.

“Are you trying to kill me?” she yells. Ignoring her I turn to Jona. “Why is she here?”

“She staying here.” He states firmly. “WHAT!” I shriek. “This is my hose don’t just say she’s staying here when you haven’t even asked me if she can!”

“Can she stay here?” He asks. I turn to glare at him and I’m welcomed with two big puppy dog eyes. “Please, she’s my sister.”

I frown. “Fine!” I say throwing my hands in the air. “Do whatever you want!” I storm off to my room and dump my bag on the floor.

“But she’s staying in your room!” I call down the stairs.

We sat around the dinner table awkwardly. Midnight, Jona and I. The phone rings. I jump to get it. Anything to get out of this awkward mess.

“Hello?” I say picking up the phone in the living room. “Hey it’s Mattie”.

“Oh, hey”. Jona walks in carrying his bowl of spaghetti Bolognese “Who is it?” He asks loudly. “who is that?” Mattie asks on the other end of the line. “Just my cousin”.

“Cousin?” Jona asks. “Are you talking to your cousin?” I ignore him and walk into my room.

“So what did you want?” I ask hoping he didn’t hear Jona. “Remember our date?” I pause. What? Then I remember Mattie asked me out on ‘a date’

“Oh yeah, how about Friday eight?” Silence “Yup sounds good”.

“O.K then, see you tomorrow”.

“Yup, bye”. I hang up.

Authors note: Well that was interesting and three pages! (I’m doing it on word so that’s what it says).

I’m staying home sick today so I might get a bit of work done YAY!!


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