The Lake

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I ran up the stairs and started packing my bag and getting myself ready. I went to the hall closet and reached my hand to the top shelf and grabbed towels and sunscreen. With these secure, I placed them into my bag and headed to my room to get myself ready. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and secured that with a scrunchie and went to get my swimsuit on. I chose a two-piece and it was in the color red with a ruffled top and skirt bottom. Going into my closet I grab my white dress cover to wear over my swimsuit. I was looking in the mirror when I see Arny come behind me. His eyes are staring deep into mine and I see him smirk and I just giggle. His hands started to grip around my waist and he pulled me into him. I feel his lips graze my ear as he whispered, "you look incredible my love." I blush at his words and he could tell, he turned me around and backed me into my closet door. He was towering over me and all I could do was look into his deep dark chocolate eyes that would lure me into him all while holding onto his every word. "Love if you keep looking at me like that you're not prepared for what will happen next." His voice was low and his eyes were full of lust. I could hear his words but I wasn't moving, my eyes were still on him. "I'm warning you, love, I won't be able to hold off much longer." He came closer and closer until we were only centimeters apart. I feel my breath become shaky and I hear Arny chuckle. "Love oh my dear sweet love, what am I going to do with you?" My mind gave in and the next words that came out of my mouth were a mistake. "Whatever you want... baby."

 Arny undid his belt and pulled it out from his pants in a very quick motion. He gave me a look of pure lust and dominance "Wrists together." I immediately listened and his belt looped between my hands and he pulled the belt tight. I let out a slight gasp and Arny just gave a look of pleasure, he enjoyed seeing how he could make me feel. "Oh, you're so cute love when you are at my mercy." I had no words and I feel Arny raise my arms above my head while pulling on the belt. Once again I let out a gasp and I felt my breath becoming faster and all I wanted was Arny. He knew what he was doing to me. Arny then released his grip on the belt and my arms dropped down in front of me. "Finish getting ready love... I'll be downstairs." He then undid the belt around my hands and gave me a kiss on the cheek and left the room. I thought to myself, what the hell was that? He got me so turned on and had me completely powerless against him and then he just stops? What the hell? I sighed at the thought but continued getting ready. After finishing packing and getting ready I brushed my teeth and threw my sunglasses on my head and headed down the stairs. "Are you ready my love?" I took the last step down the stairs and jumped into Arny's arms "Yes I am I can't wait!" Arny set me down and grabbed my hand "Well then shall my lady?" I chuckled at his words and gave him a big smile. "We shall," I say in a mockery tone, we both laugh and head out the door. Locking the door behind me I make my way down the driveway to Arny's car he opened my door for me and I jumped in. Arny came around, got in, and started the car. We both fastened our seatbelts and began our drive. "I have to stop at my place and grab a few things, that alright love?" "Of course," I say with a big smile. On the drive over to Arny's, we laughed and jammed to some music to pass the time and before we knew it we pulled up to his place. "I'll be right back love." Arny jumped out of the car and left the car running and I sat there and waited for him to return.

A few moments later

Arny came out and had his bag with him, he threw it in the back and we were on our way to the lake! After about a 30 minute drive we arrived at the lake. The lake was so beautiful the crystal blue water, the sunlight reflecting on the surface, and the smooth sound of waves in the distance. Arny and I got out of the car and gathered our bags and made our way over to the dock. We arrived at the end and we set our bags down. Arny and I stared out into the distance and just took in the view. I walked closer to Arny and wrapped my arms around him all while resting my head on his chest. "Love you are so cute, you know that right?" I just giggled and looked up at him and we both just smiled. "Want to go for a swim?" Arny said while still gazing into each other's eyes. "Let's do it!." I said while Arny grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "What are you doing babe?" I chuckled. "Getting a running start!" Arny and I stopped and he gave an are you ready look. Truth be told I wasn't sure if I was ready or not. But without warning, Arny started running and while pulling my arm made me run along with him. We were so close to the edge and once we reached it we both jumped and hit the water. The ice-cold feeling rushed throughout my body once my skin hit the water. We both came up from under the water and we both just laughed. "That was so cold I shrieked!" I could feel myself starting to shiver. Arny was so relaxed and calm that it didn't even affect him. "How are you not cold, I am chilled to the bone?" Arny made a giant splash at me and I gasp from the cold water hitting my face. I look at him and splash him back and before I knew it we were having a water fight. After our water war, we both just laughed and I see Arny swimming over towards me and grabbing onto me. "Love that was so much fun, but I definitely won that battle he said with a slight chuckle. Giving him a slight shove I say "excuse me oh no no no I most definitely won against you!" Arny just smiles and I do as well. We have been in the water for quite some time and I had finally gotten used to the temperature and it felt so great against my skin. 

Arny and I just floated around and just loved being with each other. Arny pulled me into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he said "I have a surprise for you (Y/N)." My eyes met his and I gave him a questioning look and he could tell I was puzzled. "Let's get out of the water and I can give it to you." Arny stood up and walked us back to the dock and we both climbed up and sat on the edge with our feet dangling off and our toes still touching the water. "Okay, Arny what's the surprise?" "Close your eyes no peeking, promise." "I promise." "Good girl, don't open until I give you permission understand?" I closed my eyes and said, "I understand." With my eyes closed, I could only hear Arny and I could hear him rummaging through his bag looking for something until the sound had stopped which made me assume he had found what he was looking for. I feel Arny come around me behind me and I feel his hands come around my neck all while some cold metal made contact with my skin. I hear Arny connect a latch behind my neck and I hear him walk back in front of me. "Alright love open." I opened my eyes and saw Arny had put a necklace on my neck that had Arny's name with a heart on each end and it was silver. "Arny OMG this is beautiful and it says your name I love it!" "I want everyone to know your mine and only mine Y/N you are so special and I can't have anyone thinking you're single." I have a slight chuckle escape my lips and I feel Arny embrace me with a passionate kiss. I loved being here with him, everything makes sense when I'm with Arny and I never want to lose this feeling. Our kiss became deeper and more passionate with every second. Everything was just perfect because when I'm with Arny I feel at ease and just relaxed I love him and I know that he loves me.

 Our time was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. "Oh come on in the middle of our moment," Arny said with a low annoyed tone. "Let me just check who it is." Arny let me get up and I ran to my phone the caller I.D was Mom. I answered the phone and then held it up to my ear. The world around me became a haze, I felt shaky and I feel myself drop to my knees and my phone hits the ground. I hear echoes of Arny's voice and I feel his arms around me. I couldn't speak my heart rate was fast and rapid I felt my eyes fill with tears and I thought to myself. This isn't happening no no no THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!

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