Banana Nut Muffins

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The feeling of sunlight was forcing my eyes to open. They opened ever so slowly and I groaned with annoyance. Turning over I thought I would be met with the most handsome man but as I turned over I was alone in the bed. I got up from out of the bed and threw on my silk robe hanging on a hook next to me. I slipped on my slippers and made my way to the living room. Opening the door I see the lights are off. "Babe are you home?" I call out to Arny but no answer. I go to turn on the lights and I see a note on the counter. The note read went to the gym be back soon my love. I feel a small smile form on my lips and set the note back down. I decided to surprise Arny and bake him some banana nut muffins because I know they are his favorite. I started prepping the batter and filled the muffin tins and put the muffins in the oven for baking. I set a timer and went to the bedroom and made the bed and tidied up everything. I decided to get ready as well. I through my hair into a messy bun and decided to wear my red pants with my black leather top and my black flats and decided to do a natural glam look. I was finally ready and went to the living room and turned on some music. 

I felt myself starting to move to the beat and I was just having the best time possible. I started folding the blankets in the living room as well as fluffing and adjusting the pillows around the room. While the muffins were still baking I decided to get cozy with a good book. After a great read chill time later I heard the alarm going off for the muffins. They smelled so good and they were baked wonderfully so light and fluffy with a little crunch from the nuts on top. I pulled them out and set them on a cooling rack. I heard Arny fidgeting with his keys and I decided to scare him and give him a little surprise. I hid beside the wall. I hear Arny come inside and he calls out and says "Love I'm home." He walks in further and closes the door. "Love are you there?" Arny was concerned about not hearing me, he dropped his gym bag and I jumped on his back and covered his eyes and I just hear him laugh and I laughed right along with him "how did I not scare you!?" "Love you are just too adorable to scare me now tell me what you are doing?" He says with a low chuckle. "I have a surprise for you," I whispered into his ear all while working my way down to his neck giving him light kisses as we both let out our chuckles. "Okay okay love what's the surprise?" "Look over towards the counter." I jump down from Arny's back and he walks towards the kitchen "Love you did not bake me muffins." I just smile and walk up and lay my head against his arm and snuggle him. Arny started unwrapping the wrapper and he bit the muffin I could see him smiling and he looked down at me and I smiled back. "Love you even made my favorite banana nut." I chuckled, kissed his muscular arm, and said "anything for my favorite man." "Love these are absolutely delicious and you never cease to amaze me!"

 Arny continued eating his muffin and I decided to grab his wrist and pull it towards me and I took a bite out of his muffin. All while chewing on the muffin I couldn't contain my chuckle. "You did not that my love," Arny said with such a smirk and sound of seduction. "I did." was all that managed to release from my lips with a shaky tone. "Well, then my love I'm gonna do something as well." "What are-" My words were cut off by Arny picking me up and placing me on the counter. His hand caressed the side of my face and he leaned in close the feeling of his breath on my neck sent chills all over my body. His lips came into contact with my neck and Arny started kissing me so deep and the pleasure that was soon consuming me was replaced by sharp pain when I felt his teeth deep in my neck. "A-Arny," I say breathlessly and he continued biting and sucking on my neck so deep. I feel the pressure release and I feel his lips press against my neck once more. Arny then shifts his gaze into my eyes and meets my gaze. "You are such a good girl love, but I couldn't let you just take a bite, with me getting one myself." Arny then caressed my face once more and our lips intertwined with such passion I could feel the lust building inside me and I could tell the lust was building in Arny as well. We pulled away from the sound of Arny's phone ringing. Arny reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. "It's Danny." "I wonder why he's calling?" I said looking at the phone. "It's fine I'll him back later, now where were we." As Arny was leaning in closer to me the sound of my phone ringing stopped us once again I reached into my back pocket and it was Danny calling. "It's Danny something might be wrong." Arny nodded and I answered the phone and placed it on speaker all while dropping down from the counter.

Answers the phone

Y/N: Danny hey are you okay

Arny: I'm here to man what's up?

Danny: Hey umm I'm not interrupting anything am I? (Danny sounds like he's crying).

Y/N: No Danny what's going on you sound sad?

Arny: What's good bro what's going on?

Danny: Amber cheated....(sob) Amber cheated on me.

Y/N: WHAT! Danny where are you? Where is she when I see her-(Arny's hand came over my mouth).

Arny: I'm on my way brother just stay at your place we'll figure this out okay.

Danny: Thanks brother (sniffles)

Hangs up the phone.

Arny hugs me and gives me a kiss. "I'll be back love okay." "Babe I want to come with you why are you going alone?" "Danny needs a calm mind right now and you were about ready to kill Amber." "No one hurts my best friend and gets away with it!" Arny wraps his arms around me and picks me up and spins me around. "Love you are adorable when your mad but please don't fight me on this." My eyes met his gaze and I had a pouty look upon I was so sad but I guess I understood. "Okay, babe." "thank you, love, I love you I'll be back soon." Arny kissed my cheek and was out the door. I decided to clean up the kitchen and wash all the dishes that I used to bake the muffins. After washing the dishes I placed the leftover muffins in a freezer bag. After I was done which the cleaning process took about 20 min I decided to sit on the couch and read once again but I couldn't get Danny out of my head I was just so worried about him. I could not believe what Amber has done she's my friend and I thought she and Danny were so perfect for each other but I guess Amber couldn't see that. Lost in my thoughts I was brought back to reality when I heard a knock at the door. I walked up to the door and opened it and I wanted to slam the door in their face. "Amber!"

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