Chapter 38

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Leeann's POV :
God I missed him so much. When I saw him crying it broke my heart. I love him - I truly love Ashley. We finally broke the kiss and went to sit down. A momment later I got up and he jerked "it's fine honey. I have to go to the bathroom." "Me too" Sarah said breaking the kiss between her and Andy. "Jinxx explain about most of what happened. We will be back."

We walked into the bathroom. Sarah stopped at the mirror and checked her makeup "Shit" I said. "What's wrong Leeann?" I bent over because I had a bad cramp "Uh Sarah do you have a pad or tampon." "No but I'll buy one " she laughed.she then took 2 quarters out and bought me one from the machine. "Thanks" I said. "it's nothing" she laughed again. I washed my hands and stood by the sink. I got dizzy for a second "you okay?" Sarah asked. I shook my head "yeah let's go"

I sat by ashley and he interlaced our fingers. He looked somewhat upset so did Andy. "So that bitch Laura-"Andy started saying. I saw jinxx shift uneasily. "Andy don't call her a bitch" I said. Ashley cocked his eyebrow. "I have a past with her.. I'm not too proud of it. But now she's my friend. She helped Sarah and I." Andy looked at Sarah and gently kissed her cheek. "So you just forgave her like that?" Ashley asked me. I nodded. He held me tight I had a pain in my stomach. "Ow" I said. "Are you okay?" He asked "Yeah just cramps." "Here" he said positioning me where I layed my head on his chest and he cradled me with one arm and rubbed my stomach with the other. CC came out of the bathroom and sat beside me "SO LISTEN GUYS. I KNOW WHERE WE CAN-" "Hi CC" I said interrupting him. "Leeann hush this is important- WE CAN FIND THEM BY.." He stopped talking and looked at me "Oh my god. Leeann!" He picked me up and swung me around. "Sarah!" He said grabbing her and swinging her around "oh my lord I've missed yall so much." "We missed you too CC " Sarah and I both said in sinc. My stomach started to growl "awh baby. Let buy you some food. Sarah do you want anything?" Ashley said. "Um yeah a muffin would be fine." Ashley pecked me on the lips "I'll be back." He Brought Back 2 Muffins with 2 Fruit salad Trays. Me and Sarah ate while jinxx told them the rest of the story. I knew Ashley hadn't eaten so I fed him half of the muffin and some watermelon because that's his favorite. Andy was over there playing around with Sarah. He Had A Strawberry on the fork and acted like it was an airplane as soon as it almost got in sarah's mouth he would jerk it away and eat it. Jinxx had left 10 minutes ago to check up on Laura. Jake and CC both went home. Sarah and Andy is in a deep make out session "Watch this" Ashley says he takes the muffin paper and rolls it in a ball and hits Andy on the head he broke away "What the fuck Ash?" He panted heavily. "we're going to leave for a while. Have fun here" he said to Andy while helping me up. We walked to the car.

"Ashley.. can we go to the hospital to see Laura real quick?" He nodded and we started out towards the hospital. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

We walked down to her room. I looked at Ashley before entering m he seemed tense "I love you. Outlaw" I pressed my forehead against his "I love you too princess" he leaned into the kiss. We pulled away and took a deep breathe. When we opened the door we saw Laura and Jinxx kissing. Embarrassed he jumped up and fell down. "Leeann!" She said and her face lit up. "I told you I was going to come see you." I smiled. She smiled back. "Laura this is... Ashley Purdy. Ashley this is Laura Jefferson." They shook hands and Laura blushed "I'm sorry for all the trouble that I caused you both." Ashley Smiled. "it's fine." We talked for an hour about random stuff. "Well I think me and Ashley need to be going." I said. "Goodnight Laura. Jinxx? I'm guessing you're staying." He smiled and looked at Laura "if it's okay with her" she nodded and smiled. "Bye guys" me and Ashley said then left.

When we got home I went straight towards his bed. "Owwe" I said. Ashley brought me a heating pad and some pills "here you go baby" he kissed me softly on my head. I took the pills and layed cuddled up to him and fell asleep to him singing to me and rubbing my stomach.

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