Chapter 37

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Jinxx POV:
The girls were both asleep. Shit. I need to get them something to wear. I parked the car and locked the doors and ran inside the mall. I went into some place and bought Sarah a red dress and Leeann a purple one. I got them both black flats. When I returned in the car and I headed to my house.

"Wake up" I said while shaking Sarah gently. "Here, go take a shower and put this on" I said while she was stretching. She grabbed the bag and smiled "thanks jinxx" she then went into the house and took a shower. "Leeannnnnnn" I said softly. She jerked up "What what?" She said in panic. "Hey, calm down" I said while hugging her. "Go to my room and take a shower and put this on." I placed the bag in her hands. "Thanks" she nodded then headed into my room. About 30 minutes later Sarah and her both came out "oh. my. god." I stood there practically drooling "yall look so beautiful." Sarah blushed and giggled and Leeann said thanks. "So, shall we?"I said holding out my arms. Both girls linked there's with mine and we got into the car and drove to Starbucks.

"Now listen you walk in with me Sarah. Leeann wait about 5 minutes then come in and stand near the booth wait till he realizes you." She Nodded and sat in the car while Sarah And I Got out.

We entered and looked at the back booth.Andy's head turned completely around "oh my fucking god" he stood in amazement then ran to her and hugging her tight. "I missed you so much!" He said in between kisses. Jake came and hugged me then Andy ran and hugged me "thank you so much jinxx!" He went back to Sarah and kissed her some more.

CC was in the bathroom and Ashley was sitting in the booth playing with his eggs. "Not hungry?" I Asked. He ignored me and just kept scraping them around. "Im glad you have Sarah back, Andy." He said and his voice cracked. I patted him on the shoulder. "We will find Leeann" I said. "Ya know.. I'm just going to go home and take a nap." He said while standing up. His back was towards the door and Leeann walked up and stood behind him. Her eyes were full of tears that she was trying to hold back. "Do you want someone to keep you company?" I asked. He shook his head no.

Ashley's POV:
"Nah.. I'd rather be alone. I don't want anyone to be with me" I said grabbing my coffee. "Not even me?" I heard a familiar voice say. My eyes started tearing up. I turned around and saw my Beautiful babygirl. "Leeann" I cried out in relief and grabbed her. I picked her up and twirled her around. "I missed you" she said. "I missed you more" I said and kissed her passionately. I smiled in between our kiss. "I Love you baby " I mumbled into her lips because I didn't want to break the kiss "I love you too" She said back.

Awhhhh guyssssss looooookkkkk. So cute follow me on instagram follow / comment / share / vote

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