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I have absolutely no idea what this one is so I just made it up as I went along..

Type: fluff

Grapes. Zander loved them. He craved them. They were his favourite food. He'd eat them daily, constantly.

Luke stood on the opposite side of their small kitchen, watching his boyfriend as he stuffed his face with the fruit.

"Are you done?" He asked, slowly approaching the pianist.

Zander turned his head towards Luke's direction, "No." He said simply, grabbing another handful of grapes.

The drummer sighed, "I think you've had enough of those." He picked up the container and held it out of Zander's reach.

Luke would often do this. Not just with the grapes, but with other things that Zander wanted, just to tease him.

Zander didn't mind it, but it did get quite frustrating for him sometimes. He wasn't very tall and Luke was, so he had that advantage.

"Luke!" Zander whined reaching his arm out to retrieve the container, "Give it back!!"

The brunette chuckled backing away from the pianist, "You've had too many of these!" He grinned, half joking.

"No I haven't! Fruit is good for you!" The pianist squealed, jumping up against Luke again.

Luke giggled, running into the living room, climbing on too of the couches and jumping around.

"Hey, don't do that!" Zander ran after his boyfriend, "You'll damage the furniture if you climb all over it like that!" He ran towards Luke, jumping up again to grab the grapes. "Give it!" He groaned, trying to get up on his tiptoes.

"Not so fast, Zander." Luke brought the container of grapes down just a bit, but enough so the pianist could access them.

He snatched the grapes away from the brunette and hid them under his arm. "You can't take my food away from me!" He teased, sounding like he was joking but he was kind of telling the truth.

Luke chuckled, "Ok, I'm sorry my little grape." He kissed his cheek lightly and caressed it with his hand.

Zander leaned into Luke's touch, feeling the warmth of his palm against his face.

"Can I have some?" Luke asked, reaching down to the grapes held in Zander's embrace.

The pianist moved the container back out of Luke's reach. "Ah, ah ,ah Lukey, you can't just get them that easily!" He teased.

Luke turned his head in confusion, "what's that supposed to mean..?"

Zander smirked teasingly and ran past Luke and went upstairs. He'd have to be a lot faster because if Luke caught up to him, he wouldn't be able to put the grapes out of his reach because he was a lot shorter than the brunette.

Luke chuckled before running after him, "I'm coming Zandy!" He laughed running up the stairs after him.

Luke stopped at the corridor at the top of the stairs as he looked around. Zander was nowhere to be seen. Luke scratched his head in confusion and went towards their bedroom.

He opened the door cautiously, trying to be as quiet as he could.

He couldn't see Zander in there so he exited, looking back just incase, and then went into the bathroom.

The bathroom was a lot smaller, so there weren't many places the pianist could hide in there so Luke walked out of the room and went into the storage cupboard.

He opened the door before being startled from behind.

"GAH!!" He jumped as he felt hands on his shoulders. He turned around instantly before he was met with the lavender gaze of his lover.

"Looking for these...?" He held the container up to Luke before removing it again, out of his reach.

"God, you scared me, Zan." The brunette sighed. "Can I please have some grapes...?" He asked politely, giving him his signature puppy dog eyes.

"Hey! No fair! You can't so that!" Zander blushed, covering his eyes. "You'll have to earn them!"

He ran back downstairs, giggling on the way, to which Luke thought was the most adorable thing.

"Oh, you!" He smirked running down after Zander again.

As he arrived at the last step, he saw Zander standing infront of him, just infront of the front door. "Hey Luke." He said casually.

"Where's the grapes...?" Luke asked confused, looking behind the pianist.

"What? I don't have any grapes..." Zander teased, smirking.

Luke rolled his eyes playfully. "Mhm." He smiled. "C'mon, where are they? You don't want me to starve, do you?"

The pianist sighed, now rolling his eyes like Luke had just done. "There here." He smiled, pulling the out from the glass box on the stool beside him.

The drummer smiled, picking a few grapes out from the box. "Thank you, babe." He winked, putting a grape in his mouth.

Zander blushed at the wink and covered his cheeks with his hands.

Luke chuckled, taking the container from his boyfriend. "Want one?" He asked, holding out the grapes.

Zander put his hand infront of the container before it was removed from him by Luke and instead he felt lips on his.

He gasped in shock as he adjusted to the feeling, but just as he'd gotten comfortable, he felt something enter his mouth. A grape. The grape that Luke had in his mouth, still whole, not been chewed.

Zander blushed vigorously as he felt the fruit slide into his mouth. He pulled away with the grape now fully in his mouth. "LUKE!" He blushed, hiding his face away from the brunette.

The drummer chuckled, a blush of his own creeping up onto his cheeks. "You got what you wanted, didn't you?" He smirked flirtatiously.

"SHUT UP!" The pianist blushed more, nudging Luke playfully.

Luke giggled, smiling at his adorable boyfriend. "I love you, Zander."

Zander looked up at Luke, his lavender eyes meeting with Luke's golden ones. He sighed, still blushing, "I-I love you too." He cursed himself for stuttering, crossing his arms in frustration.

Luke walked over to his boyfriend, setting the container of grapes on the stairs. "You're so cute." He smiled, kissing his cheek.

Zander blushed again, looking down at the ground, "Stop it!" He whined.

Luke wrapped his arms around the smaller, the latter returning the gesture as they both pulled into a hug.

Zander rested his head on Luke's shoulder, nuzzling into the soft fabric of his red hoodie. Luke's face was stuffed into Zander's beautiful purple hair as he kissed his forehead lightly.

"My little grape."


Hope y'all enjoyed this one. I didn't really know where I was going with it but yeah... Uh, see y'all in the next oneshot! 🧡💜

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