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Don's pov

I understand that me being masculine and basically looking like a man brings me a lot of attention but I never knew it'll make me famous, since the next morning my secretary sent me an article and I was on the front page walking in my building.

"Daughter of billionaire Achlys Datyah takes over the business?" I read the title, I knew my mother was famous but I didn't know that I'd be on the front page of a magazine on my first day of work. Now there are paparazzi in front of the building, I just want to relax and have a drink but of course they had to be there to ruin everything.

Alec stepped out of the car and opened my door, flashes were coming at me from every corner while Alec tried to push the paparazzi away. A girl pushed through with a mic in her hand and Alec was about to push her but I stopped him.

"Miss Datyah can you tell us why the sudden change of CEOs for your company?" She asked quickly, I pushed my sunglasses on top of my head and gave her a smile.

"There is no change of CEOs, my mother put her trust in me to take care of the business temporarily until she comes back. Nothing serious" I replied,

"You don't mind that people misgender you at first sight?" She asked again, she went from asking about the business to asking about how I look which made me chuckle.

"I am still a woman even if I dress 'manly' and as long as I feel comfortable in my skin other people's opinions don't matter to me" I replied then pushed passed her so I can head inside, the security guards stopped the annoying paps from getting any closer.

"Good morning ma'am" the receptionist said, I nodded and walked to the elevator. I watched as Delilah walked faster to catch up to the lift but I was too busy staring at her tits bounce that I forgot to hold the door open before it closes. Oops. Now she's going to think I'm an asshole, I mean I am sometimes...

"Good morning Sabrina, can you send me the schedule for today please" I asked.

"Yes ma'am" she replied and started typing on her laptop, I finally reached my comfortable office chair and I sat sighing in satisfaction. Before I can feel more relaxed I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Delilah walked in with a glare on face, I was about to ask her what was wrong then I remembered that I didn't stop the elevator's door from closing so I kept my mouth shut.

"I took a look at the email your assistant sent me, and I'm here to start my first day" she still standing in front of me,

"Good morning to you too miss Salvador, and just ask Sabrina she'll guide you to your office. Have a good day" I said in a cold voice, after all she still works for me and I'm not going to have favorites. She gave me a smile that was obviously fake and turned around to leave.

"And close the door behind you" I said turning on my laptop, I heard her slam the door shut. She needs to go check when anger issues with a therapist. I check today's schedule and found out I had a meeting with some other company who wants to be our partnership. I looked at my watch.

"It's in....10min" I mumbled to myself, I pressed the call button on the phone in front of me and Sabrina picked up.

"Sabrina tell miss Salvador that we have a meeting in 10min." Meetings like this need lawyers go agree on terms and conditions for our contracts and since Delilah is the new company lawyer she has to attend.


The meeting went well, Delilah knew how to handle annoying situations and we declined the stupid offer. They kept insisting on making their share bigger than ours since they had more workers to pay, but that wasn't out business. They came to us for a deal and we had to put our rules.

"You did good on your first day, miss Salvador" I said as we walked out the meeting room, she looked up at me with a cold face and tried her best to smile.

"Thank you" she said shortly, she pushed past me and left the building without saying anything else. Damn I might've made her really mad this time...

"Alec, you know that hotel that my mom owns? Yeah I wanna go there, I just wanna sit on the roof for a while" I said when Alec opened my door, he smiled and nodded his head. I took off my tie and jacket and rolled my sleeves. I opened the first buttons on the shirt and then I felt more comfortable and relaxed, I didn't have to be professional when I'm alone.

"Thank you Alec, I'll see you back at the house" I said getting out of the car excited to reach the last floor, at night, it has the most beautiful view.

After long minutes of taking the lift to the roof, I finally arrived just as the sun was about to go down. Perfect timing... I went closer to the edge and sat on it staring down. The city lights were sparkle through the falling night.

I was laying on the edge with my leg dangling on the edge, I heard sniffling and slow footsteps, I looked up to see a woman getting dangerously close to the edge but not just to sit and watch the view.

"Miss? Are you okay?" I said softly while slowly getting closer to her. She looked at me and her eyes were red from crying.

"Go away!" She said weakly, I got closer to her and gave her a small smile.

"It's okay, can you come down here and talk to me? I can help you" I said trying to grab her but she took a step backwards making me back away from her with my arms up in surrender.

"I don't want to be in this world anymore, I have no hope..." She cried out, I gave her a smile out of sympathy and took a step closer. I don't know what made me do this, stop her from ending her life, but I just felt the need to do it, as if I knew it wasn't her time just yet.

"How about you come here and we can talk about it, I promise it'll be okay" I whispered, she kept staring at me for a second I thought I gave her hope but before I knew it she leaned backwards falling to her end.

"No!" With no hesitation, I jumped after her letting my wings out. I need to catch her, I have to... I let my hand out trying to reach her before she collides with the floor. I can feel my heart beating in my ears and the blood rushing through my veins.

Just when she was about to hit the ground, I wrapped my arms around her body and batted my wings harder to fly up. I looked at her body and she grabbed into me for dear life, I knew it wasn't her time.

"I got you..." I whispered, she opened her eyes and stared at me in shock. She rubbed her eyes tried to see if she was dreaming, making me laugh.

"Everything is real" while I gave this human a longer life I put myself in deep shit, my mother is going to end me. I am fucked...

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