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Don's pov

Delilah took a few days off, she called and said today she'll be coming to work and I told her she doesn't have to she can take more days but she declined.

I was singing some papers when the door opened, Delilah walked inside looking like she haven't gotten any sleep in days. I pointed to the seat in front of me for her to sit.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, she pushed her hair out of her face and sighed.

"Not good to be honest, Jasmine told me what happened..." She put her hands on her face and leaned on them. I feel sorry for them, I can't imagine the pain they must be going through right now, specially Jasmine.

"Delilah, I promised you my help. And I don't break promises" I stood up from my chair and walked in front of her. I leaned on the desk and crossed my arms in front of me. She looked up and she seemed like she was holding her tears in.

"Let's go for walk" I gave her my hand and she held it, I pulled her on her feet gently. I forgot that 'gently' for me was a little rough for the humans because she bumped into my chest, her perfume filling my nose. I saw her cheeks redden and she cleared her throat pulling away. I let go of her hand and went to grab my coat, the weather was a little cold today.

"Where are we going?" She asked when we got inside the car, I smiled at her and started the car. When my mom used to come to earth, she used to take me to this lake not many people knew about it. I used to swim there and just look at the beautiful nature.

"Somewhere calm" after I answered her she stayed quiet, it wasn't an awkward silence and I was thankful for that.

"Delilah, if you don't mind me asking. Do you have any idea who did that to your sister?" I asked curiously, the sooner we start this case the sooner Jasmine gets her revenge.

"I only have one name, the three others Jasmine said are his friends that she didn't know" I nodded and waited for her to continue.

"His name is Dash Harrison and he's the son of millionaire Jake Harrison" That name sounds very familiar, I think my mom knows him or used to know him. This Jake guy was a pervert who was always hitting on my mama and mom almost killed him multiple times but of course uncle Raphael said she needs a good reason not him flirting with her wife. I'm not even surprised his son did that and got away with it.

"I'll look into it, I promise"

I got off the main road and followed a small path in the middle of the woods until the lake started to come into view. I stopped the car and got out, Delilah followed after me with surprise on her face.

"It's beautiful..." She exclaimed, I looked at her face and at the smile she had. It was beautiful indeed, she caught my eyes for a second then looked away.

"You wanna go for a swim?" I asked and started taking off my coat and jacket, her eyes widened but didn't say anything. I reached my pants and stopped, what if she finds me weird. What if she thinks I'm abnormal... Well if she thinks I'm weird than that's her loss, my mom raised me to love myself no matter what. I pulled my pants down and stayed in my boxers and bra. I slowly walked to the edge and jumped in the water, the cold liquid hitting every inch of my skin. I swam to the surface and found Delilah still looking so surprised.

"C'mon!" I yelled with a smile on my face,

"I- I can't!" She replied, I tilted my head to the side confused. Is it too cold for her?

"It's not freezing, it's just a little bit cold" maybe not, it is cold but my demon part is very warm and I can't really feel anything.

"I'm scared of the water, what if I get eaten by a crocodile?!" She asked making laugh, you shouldn't worry about the crocodile eating you since the one who's gonna do that is me. Of course I can't say that to her, so I just said it in my head.

"I promise, I won't let it eat you!"

"So there are Crocs in there?! Oh hell no!" She started walking back to the car,

"Just say you can't swim and don't lie about being scared!" I said teasing her knowing very well she'd want to prove me wrong. She stopped and turned around then started to unbutton her shirt.

"I can swim!" She yelled running towards the water than jumped right in, she was only in her bra and panties that looked so good on her. But I'm not gonna be a creep and stare at her for too long. I noticed she hasn't came to the surface yet and I started to panic I looked around for her.

"Delilah?" I called, I went down and started to look for a body at the bottom but I couldn't see her. I felt something grab my foot and pull me down, out of panic I let my wings out and flew out of the water. I looked down and Delilah was laughing her ass off.

"So who's the scared pussy now!" She said making me sigh, she was alive, thank fuckin Raphael. I made my wings disappear and I fell into the water splashing her in the face.

"I can explain..." I said trying to find an excuse for the wings, she laughed and swam closer to me.

"It's okay, jasmine told me and I thought she was really insane but one thing I know about my sister is that she doesn't lie" she explained, I saw her body starting to shake because of the cold weather, the sky suddenly went grey and it started to rain.

"May I?" I said swimming closer to Delilah who was looking at me curiously, she nodded her head in agreement and I wrapped my arms around her. I heard her sigh in satisfaction which made me chuckle. Yeah I was very warm and when her cold skin touched mine steam started to show.

"This is so weird..." She said with her head still in my neck,

"What's weird?" I asked

"First of all, you're my boss and second you're not human" she said in a duh tone. I chuckled and started swimming to the shore. I pulled away from her and walked on the grass, I turned to pull her out of the water but she pulled me back and I fell.

"Ladies first..." She whispered getting out giving me a full view of her ass, I watched as the water dripped from her skin. Damn... I felt my dick twitch which woke me up from my day dream making me clear my throat. How am I gonna get out of the water while I'm hard. That's so embarrassing....

I'm just gonna run to the car after her, I'll be dressed before she can see it. I ran to the car where she was taking off her bra and panties, my eyes widened and I quickly turned to look the other way.

"You can turn now, I put on clothes" and I wish you didn't but what can I do, I don't wanna make you uncomfortable, I thought to myself. I turned around and she was smirking at me as if she knew something I didn't, I hid my shaft with my hands and took my pants from the car putting them on quickly.

"Well that was fun..." She said as we started driving back, I nodded with a small smile. It was very fun indeed...

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