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Don's pov

I knocked on my mom's office then pushed the door open, she was reading some papers and mama was laying on the couch with my little brother sitting on her lap. I smiled at the both them, they gave me a weird look then looked at each other.

"Yes? Donovan?" Mom asked, I sighed and sat next to mama. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple. I wonder how long it has been since I've been on earth, I'm guessing a while since the flowers on Delilah's grave were very big and healthy.

"How long has it been since I've been to earth?" I asked curiously, mom leaned back on her chair and stared at me suspiciously.

"Almost a year, why?" She asked again, a year? Really? I didn't know how long I've been grieving on Delilah, I mean I knew it was a long while but never thought it would be a year. I lost count in the first couple months.

"I wanna go back" I stated, they looked at each other curiously then back at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"I'm going either you like it or not, mom" I told her which made her laugh, I gave her a confused look and she stood up then started walking towards me.

"I won't stop you Donovan, just be responsible. You have a daughter now" she kissed my head and patted my shoulder, she smiled looking at my face then wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Oh and tell Jasmine to bring extra close next time she visits" she winked at me making me cringe and give her a disgusted look. I backed away making sure she saw my disgusted face then left hearing the both of them laugh behind the now closed door. I ran to my room to look for Oscar, yes I named my puppy Oscar. His little head popped from under the bed and he ran to me, his little horns hit my leg making me chuckle.

"Today, we're gonna go see my daughter and someone who's very dear to me. I want you to be a good pup okay? No biting, okay?" He barked in agreement, I picked him up and let my wings out. They almost let out the sound of cracking since it's been a while since I flew. I took a deep breath and pushed hard with my feet flying upwards at full speed. A moment later, I was in the familiar field. Oscar's tail started to wag and I chuckled, his horn were gone and his eyes turned brown and looked like a normal puppy. I put him on the ground and smirked.

"You wanna race?" He looked at me confused and I laughed running in front of him, I turned behind me and I saw him take off after me with his tongue out, he barked at me a few times and I laughed sprinting faster, he still caught up to my pace. A few minutes of running and walking and playing around with Oscar I found myself in front the gate to the house. How am I supposed to go through, then I remembered I had wings. I went to grab Oscar but he walked through the metal bars and sat on the other side wagging his tail. I rolled my eyes playfully and jumped over the gates with the help of my wings.

"C'mon" I called for him, I stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. I finally knocked on the wood and waited for someone to open up. I heard footsteps getting closer then the door swung open revealing Celine, she stared at me for few seconds then she punched me right in the eye. I put my hand on my face and groaned, I guess I deserve that. She then jumped on me and wrapped her arms around my shoulder, her small cries and whimpers made my heart ache, I pulled her closer in a tight hug taking in her scent.

"I missed you..." I heard her whisper, I pulled away with a small smile and she started cleaning her face gently.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I asked curiously walking inside with Oscar on my tails, I walked further in the house to find Alec and Jasmine sitting around the dining table with birthday hats on their heads and a birthday cake had lit candles on it. The baby chair wasn't facing me so I didn't really see the baby.

"I'm all dressed up because, it's your daughter first birthday" I heard Celine say next to me with Oscar in her arms, Jasmine stood up taking off the hat. She walked closer to me with a look that couldn't really describe.

"Hi" I said awkwardly waiting for her to say something, she finally smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and sighed.

"I'm glad you changed your mind" she whispered, I nodded my head and walked to the table. I smile at Alec who was mirroring my expressions, I leaned closer to the baby and picked her up and looked her beautiful face, she had Delilah's eye shape and lips. She had brown curly hair and light skin, her eyes were green and they were glued to me curiously. Her small hands touched my cheeks then my nose, I felt my eyes water at the sight of her smile. I pulled her close to my chest and cried silently.

"I'm sorry baby..." I cried out, all the thoughts that I had about hating her disappeared. I felt guilty for not being here for her for the past year but I was here now and I wasn't going to leave her side ever again. I pulled her back to look at her face and she just laughed, her tiny teeth bit my cheek and I winced. Small but they hurt like a bitch. Her tinyl hand tangled in my hair and she pulled it hard making me wince again, just how strong is this baby?

"I guess I deserve that" I said to her, she started clapping her hands on my face then started chuckling.

"What's her name?" I asked, they all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"We didn't name her" Celine replied sitting on the chair next to me, I looked at the baby and smiled.

"And your name will be..." I kissed her small head and pulled back to look at her again.



*Many years later*

Still Don's pov

I felt a weight on my back then a pair of hands massaging my naked shoulders. I sighed in satisfaction as she hit the sore muscles. I felt small kisses on my neck and I chuckled, I opened my eyes and turned to look at Celine. She smiled and turned me on my back, she still hasn't aged one year because a few years ago I took her to the underworld and of course who ever goes there comes back to earth with a very long life. And I want her to stay with me for the longest period.

"Where's Hope?" I asked, she smiled and kissed my lips. I hugged her tight and she laid on my chest. I felt so warm and happy, with her and my daughter.

"She said she was going to her best friend's house yesterday and she's still there" I looked at the nightstand and checked the time, six in the morning.


Hope's pov

I groaned trying to push myself up, I could literally feel heartbeats in my brain and it hurt so bad. I opened my eyes with a loud wince, I sat up and I looked around me to find myself on someone's rooftop.

"How the fuck did I get here? Rey!" I called, someone groaned from the ground and I peaked to find my bestfriend laying face down behind the bushes. I laughed and jumped off of the roof, it wasn't hard or anything, not for a half demon. I picked her up and started walking back to her house. My mom is going to kill me if she smells alcohol on me, specially that today is our first day of school. Damn it, I have to hurry.

Should I keep the book going with Hope's life or should I end it here?


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