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Delilah's pov

I paced around my house nervously as I waited for her to arrive. I couldn't take it anymore, I need to tell her. She has to know. I heard the door open and I ran to see who it was.

"Hey" I exhaled, Jasmine walked closer to me and put her hand on my belly. My eyes started to water and I couldn't hold my tears anymore, was it because of the hormones? I didn't know.

"I- I can't keep this from her Jasmine..." I cried on her shoulder while she rubbed my back in a comforting gesture. I see how Donavon treats me, all she wants is to make me happy and to see me smile. She's been nothing but sweet and protective and I wanna just run to her and confess everything. And now Celine is in the picture and I'm not sure how to feel about her, something in me tells me it's okay for her to keep the both of us company. I see how Don looks at her, like she was a fragile thing that's about to break and I'm afraid she'll chose her over me if I confess and that's what's stopping me from running to her house right now.

"Delilah?" I heard my sister call for me, I looked at her and she smiled sadly at me. She seemed to understand me and how I'm feeling and she promised to keep it a secret from Mara.

"You still haven't told Mara about your pregnancy, and she's getting suspicious. She thinks one of you is infertile or you're keeping something from her" Jasmine warned me before going to her room, I sat on the chair and looked at my phone screen. I should call Don and talk to her, I need to tell her everything.  I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Her sleepy voice was heard over the phone, another voice mumbled something inaudible it was probably Celine.

"It's Delilah..." Don said answering Celine,

"Tell her to come over" I heard Celine say in the background, I chuckled and rubbed my face in frustration.

"You there?" Don asked me, this time she sounded like she was fully awake.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm here. Don? Can I talk to you about something? It's really important" I breathed out, she shuffled around and I heard a loud thud followed by Celine's giggles.

"Sorry, I tripped. Do you want me to come over?" She said in a rush, I smiled because I knew she was worried about me. She thinks I'm in trouble or even worse, hurt.

"No it's okay, I'll swing by in a few" I said looking around for my keys, I opened the door and was faced with no one else but Mara, who was smirking at me.

"Donovan... I- I gotta go now okay" before she could reply back I hang up the phone and put a smile on my face. Mara walked inside the place like she owned it and sat on the couch like last time.

"So I see your stomach is starting to show" she said amusingly, I looked down and indeed my belly has a little bit bigger than it's normal size.

"Y-yeah, I was on my way to you" I said chuckling nervously, I took a seat in front of her and waited for Jasmine to come save me.

"Well I think it's time for you to come live in my house then, don't you think?" She smirked creepily, her hand touched my leg and started to rub my thigh making me very uncomfortable. Thankfully, Jasmine walked in the living room and that made Mara pull her hand.

"I was telling your sister that it was time to go" Mara smiled and pulled me on her lap. Jasmine gave her a disgusted look and then looked at me confused.

"Time to go where?" Jasmine asked folding her arms, I was sitting patiently and uncomfortably on Mara's lap hoping this would end quick.

"To my house, after all she's giving me a heir. Right?" Mara explained, I felt my tears fall down my face and I quickly wiped them with my sleeves.

"That wasn't the plan, you said she'll give you a kid and we'll leave?!" Jasmine argued, Mara's face changed from happy to angry in a blink of an eye.

"Whatever I say, goes." She pushed me off of her lap and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door. I struggled against her but she was much stronger than me, I bit her hand to try and make her loosen her grip but that only made her slap me across the face.

"If you want to live, you better behave" she threatened pushing me inside the car. Her hand creeped up my leg as I cried silently, I pushed myself away but her grip only tightened around on my thigh making me whimper.

"Oh it's alright, you can go back to your princess once I get the child. No need to be sad" she laughed making me feel sick to my stomach, I don't believe a word she's said, I am sure she'll gonna try and kill me after I give birth. I don't know how to reach out to Don, I don't even know where Mara lives.

We reached a huge mansion, the cat parked in front of the main door. I was roughly pulled out of the vehicle by Mara, she dragged me inside and pushed me in room. She closed the door behind her and stalked towards, with each step she took forward I took one backwards until I hit the edge of the bed.

"From now till you give me that child, you'll live in this room." She said letting her hand touch my face, I cringed and pulled my head away. She smirked and walked out the room, I tried to ran and open the door but I heard her lock it. The windows were made of metal, I'm a fuckin sex demon not Donovan so there was no way I could break through them. I sat on the bed and rubbed my stomach gently, I chuckled dryly as I stared at it through the mirror.

"It's okay, mommy will take care of you" I whispered to the baby inside of me. Hopefully Don gets to me before hell breaks loose, I don't want Mara to grab a hold of this child. I laid on the bed and just stared at the ceiling until my eyes started to feel heavy, a few minutes later of day dreaming I fell into a deep sleep.

Heellooo! I hope you're having a great day! Muaah ❤️


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