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Don's pov

I called Sabrina, my assistant to hold a meeting with mister Harrison and his son for today, and this man had the audacity to be late. We've been waiting for him for almost thirty minutes.

The door opened revealing a tall man with grey beard followed by a younger guy who was the same height as him. He smiled and made himself comfortable on one of our chairs without respect.

"Miss Datyah, to what we own this pleasure?" The older man said, I put my hand out and Sabrina put the files in it. I looked through the papers and read the first sentence.

"Mr Jake Harrison, your boy over here has sexually assaulted a girl named Jasmine Salvador. She's a college student. Do you have any idea what trouble your son is in? I don't think you do so let me fill you in...." I flipped to the next page.

"He is risking to get, from 7 to 15 years in prison plus a 100k to 500k fine for his actions. But I'll make sure he'll get more prison time" I closed the file and leaned on the chair, I watched as the younger boy's face paled as he stared at his hands. As for his father, he looked angry.

"How dare you accuse my son of such things! I didn't come here to get humiliated by you!" He yelled standing up, I smirked and mentioned for Alec to push him back in his seat.

"Mr Harrison, let's not fight. By your reaction, I'm sure you're already informed by this and if your son doesn't cooperate and if he doesn't confess to make things easier for him and for us. We'll be doing this the hard way, and you don't want to go there" I threatened him, I looked at Delilah who was sitting on my left who was staring daggers at the boy who assaulted her sister.

"You'll be hearing from my lawyer" he said storming out of the room. Delilah released a sigh making me put my hand on top of hers.

"It's okay Delilah, we got this" I reassured her, she seemed so tense. I told everyone to leave so her and I can have a moment.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously,

"I know him, he's a dangerous man. How can we win against him, how can we have justice for Jasmine when the richest most influenced man is against us." She explained, I smiled and patted her hand.

"See that's where your wrong, my mother is the richest most influenced woman in this city" I stood up and pulled her with me.

"Let's go check on your sister?" She nodded her head and followed after me. Alec was already waiting for us in front of the car, I haven't seen Jasmine since I brought back to her house the other night and I wanted to see if she was alright.

"Delilah, I was thinking about something. How come you're not scared of me? I mean I get it Jasmine told you what happened but still" I've willing to ask her since that day at the lake but I always forget. She looked uneasy but still answered.

"I read a lot of books, and I was always suspicious of other species that aren't human so when Jasmine told me I didn't believe her but I had a doubt so I wanted to see for myself and that day seemed like the perfect time" she wasn't looking at me while saying this so I'm not really sure she was telling the truth but I'm not gonna push her to speak. I nodded and brushed her off when we reached the house. We walked to the door she pulled her keys and opened it, I walked inside to see a woman who I haven't seen before sitting on the couch. She had long red hair, she turned to look at us with a smile on her face.

"Don, this is Samantha, my bestfriend. She takes care of Jasmine when I'm working" I gave Samantha my hand to shake and she held it with a welcoming smile. Her freckled face was so cute, she was the same height as Delilah and both of them shorter than me.

"Well hello there sexy" Samantha said with a smirk making me chuckle,

"Hello to you too" I let go of her hand and put it back in my pocket. Loud foot steps were heard coming down the stairs and a smaller body collided with mine. I smiled at Jasmine and patted her head. She pulled away and looked at me, she was in her pyjamas and her hair was in a bun.

"You look...better" I said jokingly, she pushed me playfully and hugged her sister.

"I came to check up on you" I looked at my watch and sighed.

"But I'm afraid I have to go" they all disagreed and pulled me towards the couch.

"Today is Samantha's birthday so we're going out, and we want you to go with us" Jasmine said,

"Who's we?" Delilah interrupted, I raised my eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes. What's her problem, we were just fine a couple of minutes ago.

"Well too bad she is coming, right Don?" Jasmine asked, I sighed in defeat and nodded my head.

"Go get ready, it's on me" I said making myself comfortable on the couch, Samantha was staring at me but she seemed like she was deep in her thoughts. Then her eyes went down between my legs, does she know... I turned to look at Delilah as if I was asking her if she told her bestfriend and she averted her eyes. I guess she can't keep a thing from her.

I was dying of boredom, I thought hell was boring. No I was wrong, waiting for three women to get ready is worse. I groaned making someone behind me laugh.

"If you groan one more time you'll win a fridge with us" Delilah said, I still haven't looked behind me.

"Ha ha very funn- woah" she was wearing a tight red dress that showed her beautiful skin, the color was made for her to wear. My eyes went straight to her boobs, they were so perfect and round I wanted to touch t-
I was interrupted by a voice, I looked behind her and Samantha was wearing a black dress. I am so glad I'm in a house with very attractive women. I stared at the both of them drooling.

"Is she okay?" A third voice interrupted my dirty thoughts, I cleared my throat and averted my eyes from Delilah's boobs and Sam's legs.

"I- Im fine, shall we" I pointed to the door, we headed out to the car where Alec was waiting. He opened the door for us and we got in. After a few minutes of them arguing, they finally decided to go to a club. I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at Sam who was smirking at me. This is going to be a long night...

Hmmmmmm very interesting....


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